Oh No....

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    Gaston's P.O.V.

Its been at least a month since I have come to New York and stayed with Lillie and Justin. Surprisingly I Blended in easily into this place. Nobody really paid attention to me, Unless they were attracted to me, then people would come up to me and start flirting.

This rarely happened, and honestly, it was nice. It was such a bore when the women in the village would always make themselves look their best for when I glance their way. Honestly, I wasn't really Into women as much as I said I was.

Sure, I was in "love" with Belle, but I also felt a connection with people I know I shouldn't connect with... and she was (and is) the Prettiest women in the town.

I sat on the couch, my long black hair tied back, in a pair of jeans and a red sweater, I looked like one of the guys here, all except I wasn't showing off for other people to see, just reading up on history.

Alot has happened, no surprise there. Who could have guessed someone actually stood up to England and started a revolution? And not soon after, France did the same! Then the whole world got into not one, but TWO wars! It was insane.

I heard the door open and close quietly. Knowing who it was, I kept reading, but I said loud enough for the person to hear me

"Welcome home, Lillie won't be back tonight, but she left some money for you to get pizza." I wasn't a fan of using a phone, it felt awkward and I didn't understand it

Justin Nodded " Someday you're going to get over your fear, like how you got over your lust for hunting every animal you see" I heard him giggle from the Breakfast bar as he sat down and pulled out his phone.

It was true, I actually gave up hunting, in other news, black is now white, Up is now down and My Chemical Romance is Back together. (I'm sorry I had to)

But in all honesty, I guess I only did it because it Impressed the towns folk and I wanted to control them. Man, I was awful. Plus it reminded me of all the times I had with Lefou... God I miss him.

"You're making the face again" Justin looked up at me "I know you miss it there but it's Impossible to go back." I know he was comforting me, but I couldn't help to think he was annoyed by me.

All I did was nod. I had nothing to say. I've been through this in my mind a million times and it was still bugging me. God, I wish I could go back, I wish I could say goodbye to lefou, I wish that I could say sorry, I wish I could've told him that

"I loved Him" my voice echoed in the room

"What?" Justin was staring in awe at me. And I cursed at myself, where did that come from? Was it true? Am I just confused? Fuck....


sorry for this short chapter! I'm in the middle of doing exams right now. next part will be longer!

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