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Masky's POV
  I sat at the edge of the bed, just thinking about life. I normally do this when I'm alone. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on my door.
"Who is it?"  I asked loud enough so whoever was at the door could here me, but I wasn't yelling either.
"It's Hoody, Slender wants us all down in the living room for a surprise!" Hoody said, from the other side of the door.
"Ok, I'm coming!" I said annoyed that I had to get out of my room.
I opened the door and smiled at Hoody, he smiled back. At least I think he did. I could kinda tell cause his mask moved up a little bit.
   We made our way down the long corridor a finally reached the staircase. We made our way down to see everyone in the living room, some on the sofa and others in the floor. Hoody and I sat down on the sofa and waited for Slender to return with our 'surprise'
"Anyone know what this is about?" Jeff asked getting impatient. "I heard Slendy talking about a bringing home a new proxy. I heard he was more troubled than any of us." Jane said, he smile fading into a frown.
"He must be pretty mest up then." I chuckled awkwardly.
Suddenly the front door opened, to see Slendy there, but with a very small boy. '12 or 13 years old' I thought. His clothes were burned and ripped. He wore a black turtle neck, and jeans. He had a muzzle type, mask covering his mouth and part or his jaw. He had orange goggles just above his eyes. His hands and arms had bloody bandages on them. Now that I think of it. His whole body was covered in blood! His eyes were a hazel type brown. He had two hatchets on his belt. Bloody. Something was off about him, he would tic?, and twitch every so often, and he even cracked his neck 2 or 3 times. It sounded like a bone snapping in 2. Gross. He looked up at us and started to breath heavy, pretty soon, he was hyperventilating and sweating as tears formed in his eyes.
"Slendy, is he ok?" Hoody asked as he got up to try and calm down the kid. Hoody was about to touch his shoulder when he screamed an ear splitting scream, as he fell to the floor in a ball and he cried, and screamed, he started clawing at his arms, even drawing little pecks of blood, but they dried quickly.
"Slendy, what's happening to him?" Sally asked, her eyes full of worry.
"He's having a panic attack, dear. It'll pass soon. People get these when the have PTSD. He will be ok."
The kid soon fell asleep from exhaustion. Slendy teleported him up to the Proxy room, that the Proxys shared. Then he teleported back to talk to us.
"I'm very sorry that happened everybody. The poor child has, Tourette's syndrome, PTSD, schizophrenia, Amnesia, CIPA, Bipolar disorder, along with a form of autism. That's why he didn't want to be touched." Slendy said in a sadder town of voice.
"So he's a retard? Oh god, don't we have enough of those?" Jeff asked, which I thought was extremely rude.
Jeffs POV
'What a stupid kid!' I thought to myself. He looked no older than 13 and he was going to become a proxy! Why would Slendy even think if bringing him here!?
"Jeff! That was very rude. He can't help it. He was extremely abused by his alcoholic father, and his sister, Lyra, died in a car crash that he was involved in! He watched her breathe her last dying breath. His own father was to drunk to come to the hospital. After that, that depression he had already grew, till he was biting and chew off the flesh in his arms and hands. His father raped him, after beating him and his mother. But I must admit, he is one good killer. Maybe later he will tell you how in know that." Slender' voice cracked every now and again during his speech. I could tell he was having a hard  time saying all that stuff. Suddenly we heard a small voice coming from the stair case. It was Toby.
"I can tell you guys if you want. And I'll try not to break down. I promise I'll try my best. Plus I'm 17. It just happens that my mind is set in a 12 year old mind set, instead of 17, except romantically... I'm 17." Toby said as he made his way back into the living room. He looked around for a second though and started to twitch and... tic?
Toby's POV
I heard the whole conversation. But they didn't know that. I made my way over and looked around. I don't like people touching me much. I'm ok with a hug or something little, but other than that I hate it. And most of the time the only touch I like while I'm in a panic attack is a hug. Nothing else.
All the spots were takin so I sat on the wood floor just in front of the door way leading into the living room. 'Ok Toby, you can do this. Just tell them ur story, and don't go into another fuckin panic attack. Here we go.' I thought to myself.
'You're going to fail'
'Twitch! You're worthless!'
'Everyone will hate you!'
"Oh" I didn't realize I said that out loud. It was that voices... their back.
"What's wrong Toby?" The guy who asked me... I think his name was Masky. Slender told me everyone's names before hand, but I have short term memory loss, so I wasn't %100 sure.
"Umm... oh sorry, it's just the voices. The voices in my head. They tell me to do stuff, and they say bad things to me. They tell me I'm worthless, or ugly, and disgusting cause of what I did to my hands. But I don't think it's that gross. I spit the fresh out, only drank the blood is all... anyways-" I was cut off.
"Hold on! Your telling me that there are little voices in your head, and they talk to you?" Masky asked me just to be clear.
"Ummm... yes. But they aren't little, their voices boom throughout my head, which causes me to have migraines. And I talk back to them, but that only fuels their taunting. A lot of the times they make fun of me while I'm in a fuckin panic attack. Which is like kicking a man when he's down... it's wrong." I said as my frown rose a little to a weak smile.
"Oh... ok. Please continue your story, I think we would all like to know what happened to you." Masky said, sending a smile back at me.
"Ok then. So, my dad was really abusive, and he drank a lot of alcohol. He would rape me a lot, but he wouldn't rape L-Lyra... only me. When he would beat up my mom and Lyra, I would confront him and take all the hits. But it doesn't matter, I can't feel pain."
I was once again cut off, but this time by Hoody.
"Wait, let me get this straight. You can't feel pain, you got beat up by your dad, Who also raped you. So why are you here? Did you even kill anyone?" He asked with a confused face on.
"I was just getting to that," I continued. "After Lyra died the voices were unbearable. I didn't sleep, and when I did I had horrible nightmares about the accident. One night I went down stairs to get some w-wa-w-wat-wat-water-water, when I saw my dad sleeping on the couch with static on the tv. The voices told me to kill him. I knew I shouldn't. But  they persuaded me. I took a kitchen knife and stabbed him. He gave a good fight but he was as dead as a doorknob. And I'm glad. But I could never forget the look on my mothers face when she came down the stairs and saw what happened. She was mortified. I thought she would be proud, or happy... but no, she just cried and asked me why I did it. So I ran into the garage and grabbed two hatchets, one old, one new. I grabbed a gasoline tank and matches than I went down my neighborhood, letting the gasoline fall behind me then I lit the match and let down on the gasoline. It lit the whole neighborhood on fire." At this point I was laughing hysterically, like I was insane. Which I am. Everyone stare was kinda shocked and scared, but I continued.
"I let the flames engulf me. I thought I was going to die. But lucky me, slender came and brought me here. Told me he would make me a 'Proxy'. And that's my story up until here, although... I remember the car crash Lyra died in very well. Lyra was driving us to the mall. I didn't want to go but she insisted. It was my fault she died. If I had just stood my ground instead of being a little baby. A truck ran into us and I was trapped under the seat, Lyra was completely crushed in. Her bright red blood was on my arms and face. The white of her bones only half showed. And her jaw was completely off on the other side of the car. I shouldn't have agreed to go. Then she wouldn't have gone, and she would be alive. I should have died instead of her. She had a future... and life to live up to. I didn't. No one would want me to work for them. Said that I had to many problems and I couldn't think straight. But I could, kinda." I finished. Everyone looked at me and blinked twice in unison. They were shook.
"Umm... Hello? You guys there?We need to save NARNIA from the squid people of Manhattan!" I said like I was dead serious. They looked at me weird and J-Jeff scoffed.
Slendy appeared.
"It's part of his autism. He is a little insane, and very weird. But lovable... and you said you like to cuddle is that right Toby?" Slendy said. A worry in his voice and a slight crack.
"I do like to cuddle:3! I'm not insane. I'm dead serious. The waffles are coming to take us away to hell. And I don't want to go, cause that's where my dad is. If you would even call him one." I said as I looked at everyone's facial expressions.
Masky's POV
There is something really wrong with this kid... I like it. He was some kind of insane, yet adorable mess of emotions. Looks like he could cause drama. And I'm all for it.
"I'm kinda tired. Ima go to bed now. Don't worry I do remember where my room is." Toby said as he smiled the cutest smile I've ever seen. :3. Some of the pastas even went, 'awwww...'. I could get used to having him around. Except I would have to take care of him. Which really hate! Slendy gave us rules for him. Like, " someone needs to be with him at all times, he can't feel pain so if he gets hurt he won't know," or "he can never go down the stairs alone, he will fall." As Toby got up to go to bed, I followed with him.
"Where are you going Masky?" BEN asked as I started out of the room.
"Remember the rules, someone has to be with him so... I'm going to go watch him so he doesn't hurt himself." I said with a small smile. I saw a smile creep onto everyone, some even said I was a good friend. But I don't really care about some of that stuff. As long as he's no hurt I'm ok with it.
Jeff POV
  Finally! A weak person came to the mansion. He looked easy to break. The past few weeks I've had some problems... in my nether regions. Like I get a boner just thinking about something sexual. Mostly I took care of that by myself, but I needed more. And Toby looks like the easiest to take for my own needs. I still feel bad that I'm doing this, and his past was full of terrible things. 'But, Jeff comes first!' I thought to myself. I created a great plan in my head and it would execute in one week!
'This... will be fun, haha!'

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