Toby in Wonderland

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Toby's POV
The darkness of my room consumed me. The only thing on my mind was Tim. I don't even think I want to call him by his real name anymore. I didn't think I could fall any farther into the hole I dug for myself I. The corner of my mind. I didn't think my heart could break anymore. But with every passing minute my cheeks get wetter with tears, and my heart cracks even more. If it was possible to die from a broken heart, I would be long gone by now. What bothered me the most, was that, Masky knew I was hurting. He knew what I went through, yet he had the nerve to break me even more. All those times he said that he loved me, that he would never hurt me... he was a lier. My depression got even worse and worse with each passing moment I thought of our love. I then remembered that Masky had some left over anti depressants in his room. He used to rake them all the time. But now he rarely uses them. I don't as food that they were to strong for my small body. But I don't really care. I just wanted the pain to stop. I got up from the corner of my room and made my way quickly to Masky's room. I checked to make sure he wasn't in there, before I started to rummage through his stuff. Finally, I found the pills. I popped 2 in my mouth, and watched as the world faded into darkness.
Masky's POV
After I ate some cheesecake for breakfast, I made my way back to my room to take a shower and change. But when I entered my room... I saw an unconscious Toby, and a worried Hoodie standing over him.
"What happened to him?!" I asked worriedly.
"I don't know I was walking back to my room, when I saw your door open. I walked inside and saw Toby laying here. I think he took some of your old anti depressants." Hoodie said quickly.
"Those are to strong for him! If he took more than 1, he may not wake up. He's to small and light." I said as I rushed to Toby's side.
"He has a pulse, but a small one. Help me get him to Dr. Smilie! Quickly!" Hoodie said as he lift the small boy up. I opened the doors for him until we finally made it to Dr. Smilies office. We bust through the door and rushed Toby over to a bed. Smilie came running in.
"What happened to him?!" Smilie asked as he checked Toby's pulse and hopped him to an IV.
"He took some of my old anti depressant pills! They were to strong, and I'm scared he won't wake up!" I said scared for my co-worker and ex boyfriend. God I hate saying ex boyfriend. Smilie looked at us and back to Toby.
"If you're right, he might not wake up for a few days. But he should be fine. Any idea why he would take the pills in the first place?" Smilie asked. I didn't want to answer.
"We know. We just rather not talk about it." Hoodie said. I mouthed the words thank you to him.
"Well... ok then. Will you two kindly leave the room. I have to examine Toby." Smilie said as he snapped on rubber gloves.
"Sure." Hoodie and I said in unison. He chuckled then left the room.
Toby's POV (he is still asleep. He just thinks he woke up ;))
I woke up in an unfamiliar place. It was very colorful and full of life and beauty.
"Wow!" I yelled as I looked in awe.
"Why hello there." A snooty voice behind me spoke.
"W-who's there? Hello?" I said stammering.
"Calm down. Hehehe... my name is Jackson, you can call me Jackie." Jackson answered.
"Hello! My names Toby. Umm... where are we?" I asked.
"We are in a special land. I brought you here because I saw you in distress. I must say, you are adoodaly adorable!" He said, which made me blush and chuckle. He helped me to my feet.
"Thank you for saving me from that hell hole of a life I had. I like it better here. It's much more colorful." I said smiling.
"Yes it is. But the truth is. You will only be able to stay here for a few more hours... unless you stay here in Wonderland, with me." Jackie said smoothly. Suddenly, a white rabbit jumped from behind some bushes.
"Why hello there!" He said tipping his hat.
"Umm... hi. Who are you?" I asked. Slightly confused.
"I have no name unfortunately." He said, I thought of a name..
"I'm going to call you fluffy." I said proud of the name I came up with.
"But I... that's a horrible name!" He said. A wave of anger ran through me, I was bipolar and could snap in less than a second.
"Oh, sorry sorry!" He said quickly.
"Anyways, Toby. I really like you. If you stay here in Wonderland, we could be together forever. I will live you with all of my heart and never leave you." He said with a deep husky voice as he took me in his arms. I started to have a real crush on this guy. He seem d to really love you.
"Don't worry. I really like you too! I won't leave you!" I said as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I looked down at my hands as they started to fade away.
"W-what's happening J-Jackie?!" I asked.
"Oh no! You're fading away. If you take some of Masky's pills, you can come back, the rabbit will turn them into magical pills, that will bring you here! You will be with me once again!" He said as he kissed me one last time before I faded away totally. I woke up again and looked around. I was in Dr.Smilies room. I looked around until I saw a figure come inside the room. He looked up at me. I realized if was Smilie.
"Toby! You're awake! I'm glad!" He yelled as he rushed over to me.
"I need to get out of this room. I need to go back to him. NOW!" I yelled as I got up from the bed. I ran out of the room, I heard Smilie yelling my name but I didn't listen. I made it to the living room. I saw Everyone in the living room. They gave me weird looks.
"What? Toby no! That won't make it better!"
"Ugggghhh" I ran up the stairs and into Masky's room. I searched around for the orange bottle until I finally found it. I had a hard time opening it cause of my tics. Masky came running in.
"Toby. Pills. Now!" He yelled.
"I just want to be happy!" I yelled as I finally opened the bottle. I was about to take some but Masky hug it out of my hand.
"Toby! That won't make it better!" He yelled.
"BUT IT WILL! JACKIE'S WAITING FOR ME! U NEED TO SEE HIM AND FLUFFY! I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME!" I yelled as tears ran down my face. Masky surrounded me in a hug and I just sobbed into his shoulder. Once in a while I would mumble, 'I want to see him!' And 'he loves me!'. Finally, I had enough. I pushed Masky away and ran to the pills that were now on the floor. I quickly swallowed two, and smiled as my world faded to black. Once again, I was back in the magical land. There stood Jackie and Fluffy. Jackie picked me up and kissed me lightly. Then he frowned.
"We can't be together Toby." He said sadly.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked.
"There is another person who loves you Toby. In the other world." He said as a tear fell down his cheek.
"W-what? W-who?" I asked.
"I do not know his name. But I want you to know, that I love you. More than anything. And that no matter what happens... to always have me to come to when you're feeling down. Ok?" He said as more tears fell. I started to fade again.
"Yes Jackie. I love you too!" I said as I fully faded. O e year fell down my face, before I woke up again. This time, in the real world. Masky was standing over me.
"Toby! Thank god you're alright! What's wrong with you?" He asked sadly.
"Jackie told me we could t be together because someone in this world loved me. But he didn't know who. Neither do I." I finished.
Masky's POV
He really didn't know that I loved him.
"Toby. I-I love you." I said. I lifted my head to see Toby with a confused face, but then it softened into a smile.
"I love-" before he could finish his sentence, he broke into a fit of violent coughs. They didn't stop either. Even when blood started to come out. Smilie can running into the room, and Toby fainted. Smilie started to give him CPR, until Tony started to breathe again. I left the room to let Smilie do his thing.
Time skip: 4 hours, brought to you by: MY NUMBER ONE FAN LunaTheUnhuman 
After a few hours Smilie came out.
"Get all the creepypasta she into the living room. I have to tell them something." He said very seriously almost sadly.
"I-is he dead?" I asked, hoping her a no.
"No, he's not dead... yet." He mumbled.
"Ok I'll tell them." I got up and ran to get everyone. Once everyone was in the living room. Smilie came out. Even Slender was there.
"Ahem... after further examination on Toby. I've come to the conclusion, that Toby has Thyroid Cancer. That is a disease that creates a large mass at the bottom of his throat. He can't breathe to well and needs a mask to breathe. I don't have the tools to help him now. But I'll look for them." Smilie said. My heart sank.
"I-is he in pain?" I asked.
"If course not, remember. He can't feel pain. He is awake if you guys want to see him." Smilie said. We ran into the room to see Toby, he had a breathing mask on, and was in a hospital gown. We noticed a lump on his neck. We slowly walked over to us. He closed his eyes.
" H-hey y-you *cough cough* g-guys." He said as he slowly waved.
"Hey Tobes." I greeted. I sat down in the chair next to him and looked at him. A single tear ran down his face. He looked at everyone.
"G-guys *cough cough*... I-I'm g-going t-to die." He said. After that he started a coughing fit, even coughing up blood. We rushed out of the room as we watched our friend get chest compressions, and get blood on his breathing mask. Is he really going to die. He can't die... I won't let him. I silently cried to myself. A few others cried as well. Ej seemed very sad too. He continued to look through the window at Toby. He walked in to help Smilie, since he was another one of the doctors here at the mansion.

Toby... please be ok.
I'm crying!!! 😭😭😭 this made me so sad. I don't want to spoil anything, but get ready for major feels... HERE COME THE TEARS!!!

(Of joy...)

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