1st mission

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Toby POV
About a week after the incident slender called the proxies down to his office. Masky and Hoody seemed to hesitate about knocking. So I just walked up and knocked myself. They seemed pretty surprised.
"Come in my children" Slender's boomed from behind the large wooden door. We opened the door and stepped in. The room was quite nice. There was a desk and three leather chairs in front. But the chairs were offaly close together for my liking. So I moved my chair a little but away from the others. They looked at me like I was crazy but then they remembered why I moved the chair. I didn't like being touched. So I had to move my chair to be comfortable.
"Ahem... my children today You guys will bring Toby on his first mission. Here is the girls profile. All you have to do is kill her and hide the evidence. Pretty easy." Slender told us telepathically.
"Can I burn her body using fire?" I asked. I was extremely obsessed with fire. The way it can destroy anything in its path was brilliant.
"I don't care what you do, as long as you don't get caught. Understand?" Slender asked is.
"Understood" we all said at once.
"Good, you are dismissed" slender said as he went Back to doing whatever it was he was doing. I grabbed my hatchets and I box of matches and I waited at the door for Masky and Hoody. I sat there for about 20 minutes before they came down the stairs. They smiled and Masky asked, "ok, Toby. Ready to go?"
"Yep, I've been ready!" I said getting up and putting a large grin on my face.
Masky started giggling. It was adorable! I would pay to hear him giggle again. I don't know what this feeling is, but the way Masky is so caring and nice, makes my insides knot up and I feel happy with him. Even when he made me wear that muzzle... WHICH I HATE! But...I'm ok now. Just like he said I would be. We started out the door, and into the woods. The only noice between us three, was the crunching of the leaves under our feet. After about 30 minutes of walking, we made it to the victims house. I was a 2 story Victorian style house, with a lot of flowers around the front.
"Go ahead Toby. We'll be right here if you need any help, ok?" Masky asked reassuring me that it would be fine.
"Ok, I'll be back in a few..." I said as I went up to an unlocked window. Obviously people don't care about their safety! I climbed through to see the victim in the kitchen eating toast and talking on her phone. I snuck behind the counter and got out my hatchets out of my belt. And went up behind the girl. She turned around but before she could scream I threw my hatchet into her head. Blood flew everywhere, including on me. I looked at her phone.
"Amanda? Amanda? Are you there? I heard something! Are you alright?" The person continued. I took my hatchet out of her head and slammed it against the phone braking it to two. Then I ran out of the house and back into the woods, holding her body over my shoulder. I ran into Masky and Hoody. They looked at the girl on my shoulder. Masky ruffled my hair.
"Good job buddy!" He said with a smile. It's easy to tell when he's smiling. His mask lifts up a bit.
"Thanks! Now let's go get rid of the evidence?" I said as I took out the matches.
"Ok, let's go a little deeper into the woods. We're pretty close to the road." Hoody said as he point back into the woods with his thumb.
"Ok" I said gingerly.
We walked deeper and deeper to the woods till we found a good spot to start the fire. Masky and Hoody put some large stones in a circle so the fire couldn't spread. I put the body in the circle and took out a single match. I swiped it against my shoe and through it at the body. It immediately went up in flames. I watched a the body burned, slowly frying the skin to blackness. I started to laugh as I threw in another 2 matches and watch as the fire got bigger. I through in the girl's phone that I brought with me. Just in case the police could use it as evidence. I turned to Masky and Hoody. Who seemed to just stand there, unamused. While my head was spinning with thoughts and emotion. Happy yet angry thoughts. While they stood there. No emotions flowing through their brains. Weird. Do they not see the beauty this wonderful fire holds? I was mesmerized by its astonishing beauty. Until the voice started acting up again.
'You killed people with this'
'You're a monster'
'Innocent people died because of you'
'You're the one who deserves to die, not them'
'You're disgusting!'
'Please stop!' I didn't realize the warm tears going down my face as the corpse quickly turned to ashes.
"Can we go now?" I asked, turning to Masky and Hoody. Who looked offaly worried..
"Yeah we can go now. Let's put out the fire, then we can go back to the mansion." Hoody said as we grabbed a water bottle he brought and poured it onto the fire. Putting it out immediately. The beautiful fire, gone from its circular throne. In the time is was still burning. It was probably the most dangerous thing in this forest. We started heading backwards to the mansion. It was silent until Masky asked, "why did you look that way at the fire. You looked like you were thinking hard about something."
"Im obsessed with fire. The way it can destroy almost anything, and it's so beautiful. You guys didn't seem to think so though. Why is that?" I asked very confused.
"Toby, fire isn't good all the time. It's actually a sign of something bad. Why do you think there's fire in hell?" Masky said with a sad\worried expression. I thought about the question. He was right. The voices were right. My dad was right. Fire is destructive. I am a monster. I am disgusting. How could I love something so bad? All those words things the voices called me. They were all true. And now that I know that, I won't ever forget it.

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