Waffles? Why?!

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Toby's POV
I woke up feeling much better than the night before. Masky had showed me where everything was except for the other pastas rooms. I got out of my bed and looked at the clock. 8:45. That's ok, more sleep would have been better but I didn't have a nightmare, maybe because slender had brought me Sally's old teddy bear, and it made me feel nice. I'm childish, I know. But I still liked it. I went into the bath room and took a quick shower. I felt a million times better being clean. I quickly got dressed in One of Masky's old sweatshirts. I didn't wear pants cause the shirt went down to my knees, so I was ok. I grabbed my teddy bear and headed down the long corridor to a flight of stairs. I went down the first few stairs but slipped and fell, making a lot of noise. It didn't hurt so I continued to the dining room. The dining room was really loud, and I hate loud noises or yelling. Cause yelling always lead to someone getting hit. Usually me. My bottom lip started to quiver as I remembered the events in my past life. But I reluctantly trudged along into the dining room, trying not to go into another panic attack (Ima start just saying attack instead of panic attack... easier to wright. #Lazy). I entered the room and suddenly it went quiet and all eyes were on me. I felt scared... why were they looking at me like that. Suddenly everyone let out an odd sound I've never heard before. "Awwwwwww..." what was that!
"*whimpers*. What does that sound mean?" I asked curiously.
"Toby it means you look cute, the way your dresses and holding that teddy bear, your like a lost kitten. But kitty got claws I must say." Jane started giggling, and soon everyone but me was laughing.
I hate when people laugh at me.
'Their laughing at you'
'They hate you'
'Their just like those bullies... and your dad!'
The voices started cackling evilly.
My eyes filled with tears as I listened to the voices carry on.
'No one loves you. Not-
'Don't say it'
'Don't you dare!'
That was it, I felt warm tears rush down my face, everyone stopped their conversations to look at me.
"Toby what's wrong?" Masky asked in a soft worried voice.
"They won't stop... they say she didn't care, and that she never loved me. I was my fault she died. I'm the one to blame. I should be dead... not her." I said as I doubled over gripping my head, and holding big chunks of hair in my hand.
"Toby, Toby! It's ok it wasn't your fault you're fine." Masky did as he smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and tried to stop crying.
Masky's POV
"Hey, why don't we get you something to eat? What do you want?" I asked sweetly.
"Umm... do you have waffles?" He asked with a smile. Waffles? Seriously? I gave him an off look but stood up and brought him to the kitchen. He stared at me while I cooked his waffles, but I don't mind. I put syrup and whip cream on them and we walked back into the dining room. I felt something warm on my back, I turned my head to see Toby with his face in my back, so no one would see him in his 'weak' state he said. We got to our seats and I put his plate down I took his head of my back and he sat down, and began to eat. I looked at him, and he was smiling a beautiful smile. I decided to ask him a question.
"Hey Toby, why do you like waffles?" I asked gingerly. "He looked at me and smiled.
"My mother a sister would make them for breakfast every morning, and when I was upset or sad, Lyra would make me some. So I love them. They make me happy." Toby said I goofy smile still on his lips.
"Ok, that's cool I guess." I said as I smiled the same goofy smile at him. I looked over at Jeff who seemed to be staring at Toby with an even more evil smile then the one permanently on his face.he looked like he was thinking deeply. I gave him a glare that would kill him if it could. But he didn't look away. He just kept staring, plotting, thinking. Creepy.

Hey guys!!!
Sorry this chapter is so short!!! But it's late and I'm tired! 😴
Later everybody

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