C h a p t e r 6

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Look at baby Freddie and Louis. They're so cute 🤧😭 But why is Freddie half of Louis' size 😂👏🏻 Ok let's get to this.

I looked up at Harry with confusion in my eyes. I didn't want to belong to anyone. I'm my own person.

"Harry, look here's the thing. I don't think this will work. I'm just not looking for anyone right now and I don't want to be with someone who wants to own me like I'm some doll."

I wiggled out of his grip and went to my room, slamming the door not caring about what he has to say.

I sighed heavily and I lied down in my bed. All this stress from boys and classes are really getting to me. Once I felt myself drifting to sleep, my phone rang.

I groaned and checked the Caller ID. "Nialler."
I smiled and picked up the phone with a happy hello.

"Hey Lou! How you been." Niall said.

Niall has been my best friend since we were waddling in diapers. Our moms were really close.

"Honestly. I'm thinking about dropping out. I might just move in with you Ni." I told him sincerely.

"Lou, you can't give up so easily. Your Louis Tomlinson, and Louis Tomlinson doesn't give up. Hey I know I'm in Ireland right now but I can get a flight back and we can talk about this." He said lovingly.

I smiled at this. "Thanks Ni, but you don't have to come back because of me. You're supposed to be spending time with your family and I don't wanna get in the way."

He chuckled ,"Lou I'll always be there for you. Don't feel like you're interfering with anything because right now you're my only safe place, -I was about to speak when he beat me to it, - Oh sorry Lou they're bringing out the pickled pigs feet! I'll call you later! I'm still getting a flight tomorrow! Love you."

He hung up. I shook my head. He's so crazy, what would I do without him. I yawned and then I let the darkness overtake me.

Since I skipped all my classes yesterday I had to catch up. Maybe hiding in a stall all day wasn't such a good idea because we had a pre-test in Geology. I didn't know anything. I finally gave up and just put my head against the table. I sighed. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to my right and then I saw a boy with raven black hair and hazel -golden eyes. He was really breathtaking.

He must have noticed my struggle and pushed his paper towards me so I could see his answers. I pushed it away because it's wrong to cheat and I barely know this guy. He insisted so I finally gave in. I sneakily wrote down his answers and in the nick of time too because our Professor called time.

He collected our papers and then dismissed us. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door when the same guy who helped me in class grabbed my arm.

"Hey, I'm Zayn." He grinned.

"Hi, I'm Louis. I just wanna thank you by the way for helping me. I wasn't here yesterday -."

"Because you got embarrassed by Harry Styles and ran into the bathroom." He cut me off.

I blushed hard at that. "Um, yeah. How'd you know?"

"I'm in your Physics class. What he did wasn't right. He isn't supposed to talk back to students being the supervisor and all." He shrugged.

"I'm ok now I guess. I was so humiliated. But that's not even the worst part. He's my roommate." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow. Tough luck I guess." He chuckled.

We continued walking. The day was over so I headed towards my dorm. Zayn and I continued to talk and he was super funny. His hair was interesting. It was shaved on one side and his hair flopped on the other. But he made it work.

I reached my dorm. "Hey. Wanna study for tomorrow's test? I usually work better with a partner." He suggested.

I nodded, I'd like to get to know him better. But my mood was ruined by the curly haired boy in the kitchen. He was shirtless and in sweats.

When he noticed my presence he leaned against the counter. "Malik, hmm. Didn't think you went for the bad boy type." He smirked.

I scoffed but Zayn nodded at Harry. We went straight to my room. Not caring that Harry was making kissy faces behind us.

I closed my door and plugged in my fairy lights that hung around the room. They were rainbow and they gave life to the entire room.

Zayn was smiling like a doofus and spinning around like he was in wonderland. We sat on my big fluffy bed and got our books out.

I got my glasses because I had to take out my contacts. Zayn was appalled. I don't know why because they're just glasses.

We were taking notes and talking for about an hour before it started getting dark. Zayn was first to say something.

"Hey, look it's getting dark. I should head back. " He gathered his books.

I stopped him and I hugged him with my arms around his neck since he's about an inch taller than me.

"Thanks for being there for me." I say sweetly.

He hugs me back and whispers in my ear.

"I got you Lou. You're the younger brother I never had. I'll protect you,



When you lowkey miss Zouis. 🙃

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