C h a p t e r 14

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I quickly ran back to Kian's dorm after telling the boys I had to go. I can't believe I'd forget something so easily. I knocked on Kian's dorm frantically, waiting for him to answer I heard commotion down the hall.

"Why do you hate me so much!" A familiar voice yelled.

"I don't hate you I love you and you know it!" A more feminine voice roared.

Before I could be nosy and eavesdrop some more a tan arm was tugging me forward. Kian standing in front of me with a sad expression.

"Hey Lou, what's up." He asked halfheartedly.

"Kian I'm so sorry! I forgot and I'll pay the fee and we can sit and watch another mo-"

"Louis! Calm down. It's just a movie." He chuckled.

I glared hard at him. Since when was he such a dick? "Um- ok but I busted my butt running over here just to-"

"Louis, you can't stay here anymore." Kian rushed out.

My eyes widened, "What? Why. I thought everything was going well?" I frowned at the news.

"Look Louis your nice and all, but I'm not really looking to be your friend. I was kinda looking for some kinda favor after I basically saved your life. But then I realized in the hallway that it was actually you, Louis Tomlinson, the one all the guys want to bed. The movie thing was just a set up to get you in bed." He shrugged it off like it was nothing.

But it wasn't nothing. I was seeing red, I slapped the living day lights out of him. I pushed him out of the way to get my stuff from his bedroom.

"You fucking asshole! I knew I should have let Harry beat your ass while he had the chance." I roared.

I can't believe this whole time all he wanted to do was bed me. Who fucking does that. I grabbed all my essentials and slammed his door. Then I bust out in tears. I ran as fast as I could to the place I didn't think I'd want to be back in. Harry and I's dorm.

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. I slowly opened the door and shut it quietly. I sniffled and walked towards my room. Before I could step a foot into my room a quiet voice interrupted me.

"Lou?" Harry called.

I cried as I turned around. My knees suddenly felt weak. Before I could fall to the ground strong arms and cold hands wrapped around me. I cried into Harry's shirt and clutched his biceps.

"Lou, bub, tell me what's wrong." He coughed.

I looked up into his dull green eyes, no longer filled with excitement and happiness. Harry...lost his happiness.

"Hazzy, am..a-am I a, am I a whore?" I cried.

That's when Harry finally cracked. He picked Louis up, bridal style, and walked them into his room. Harry threw Louis onto his bed making him bounce from the impact.

"Ha-Harry what are you do- ohh." Louis moaned.

Harry licked and sucked on Louis' neck, trying to find that special place that makes him weak in the knees. His hot breath blowing all over Louis' neck making him shiver. Harry softly bit under Louis' Adams Apple, knowing that was the right place when Louis moaned loudly. He savagely sucked and licked hotly over the forming purple bruise. Biting it making Louis whimper from the pain that dissolved into pleasure. Harry making his way under Louis lobe sucking lightly and kissing it lovingly.

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. From your soft, fluffy, caramel hair to your beautiful, endearing, glowing, blue eyes that I'd love waking up to, to your luscious thick thighs that I'd love to mark, to your tiny feet that remind me of how much smaller you are than me." Harry says passionately.

Harry kisses his final mark on Louis' neck and brings Louis in his lap and cradles him like he's the most precious thing on Earth and in Harry's eyes he is. But he'd never be able to tell him that.

"You're beautiful Lou, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Louis was frustrated, sexually and emotionally. Harry cared about him. Everything he said made Louis swoon and he believed him. Louis knew he couldn't be with Harry, still afraid that he'd hurt him in some sort. Even flinching when Harry's cold hands that were rubbing Louis' back went closer to his jeans. He didn't know what to do. Harry could feel him tense every time and he knew what he was thinking. And he still doesn't know how'd he messed up so badly. How could anyone let someone this precious hate and not trust him so much. That person was Harry.


I know in the warnings it says a whole bunch of Kinky shit but, it'll happen in the future. I don't like to rush it, and no Louis and Harry won't be getting together anytime soon because Harry has earn back Louis' time and trust. So yeah hope this chapter was good :)

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