C h a p t e r 22

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"Shit, is right you asshat!" Zayn fumed clenching his fist while Niall calmed him down. "This better be good because I wasted a good 5 minutes of making sure all your teeth are shoved down your throat."

Gulping I explained why I did what I did and gladly Zayn was understanding but he was still mad. "You need to find L-." Cutting Zayn off Liam burst in through the door.

"I think you guys wanna see this," Liam said looking pale as a ghost. We all glanced at each other and followed Liam to the backyard. I don't think I've ever been more furious. There was Louis but he wasn't alone, he lied down on the picnic table while guys took body shots off his exposed chest.

"What the actual fuck!" Stomping over to the table I pushed everyone out of my way and yanked the wanker who was licking his way up to Louis' mouth. "I'm shutting this down! Get out!" I yelled pulling the drunk Louis over my shoulder.

" 'arry you're no fun! Put me down!" He kicked but I was pretty much fuming to even care what he was saying. Walking into an empty room I threw him on the bed. A fast hand stroke my face, leaving a red imprint on the side of my cheek.

"That...what you g-get," a hiccup interrupting his sentence,"you shit head." Louis whimpered into the bed completely worn out. I sighed and caressed his thigh. "Is..L-Louis to ugly that you's kiss other people?" Louis asked looking up at me through the tears building up in his eyes.

"No baby, that's not it at all," I sighed setting him in my lap, "you're too drunk right now but I'll make it up to you, I promise." I pat his curly hair and I felt him nod and he slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Setting him back down I grabbed a wet rag and wiped the alcohol and salt from his little tummy. Kissing the small pudge before laying next to him. He grabbed onto my shirt and I knew once he's locked on he won't let go. I'm glad that I'm the only one he can do that to. Pecking the top of his little head I fell into the deep abyss we call sleep. And I had my favorite person next to me.

I haven't updated in a while. Sorry,,my fault. A little filler,, I'll try better next time.

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