C h a p t e r 11

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[life hasn't been so great so, this is short. Soz]


I can't believe what just happened. Here I am at Kian's apartment, we're just chilling and watching a movie. I didn't feel safe at my dorm so Kian offered me to come over, obviously I said yes. Now he's lightly caressing my thigh while I snuggle into his side. We're watching Jump In, the Disney Classic that made me sad I wasn't able to learn Double Dutch. This will always be one of those movies that I'd never get tired of no matter how many times I watch it. It's just that good.  Harry has been blowing up my phone ever since I left. I've been ignoring him during classes. I don't need his negativity in my life. Once he decides he wants to change then maybe we could be friends or more.

I'm not gonna deny I have feelings for him. How could you not? He's very charming and he's handsome. His intoxicating green eyes make my stomach twist in knots, his deep dimples make my heart melt. I really like him but I'm not repeating the same mistake my mum did. Mark always was angry, sex craving bitch. He didn't love me or Lottie. Oh, Lottie. Sweet, Beautiful, Lottie. She died, she overdosed the day Mum died. They always had a strong bond, that we pretty much never shared. I'm not gonna lie, I loved her. But I felt like she wouldn't tell me everything, ya know? She'd tell Lottie everything. I remember my face when I saw Lottie walk out that door, hair a mess and scars littering her arm. I was only 15. I thought she was going on one of her midnight walks. She was only 17 when she went missing. I remember how I cried when I saw her beautiful face pop up on the screen as 'Missing'. I have two younger sisters though, Phoebe and Daisy. Haven't seen them for 4 years.

Remembering where I am I tap Kian's shoulder. "Hey, I'm not feeling to good do you mind if we go to bed early." I ask.

"Yeah sure! I could tell you were spacing out a bit but don't worry, we're friends now I'll help you a time you need." He says, while standing up and leading us to his bedroom.

"You can lay down I'll be right back." He winks.

I laugh and nod with content. I take off my shorts and lay down in only my long shirt that stopped at my thighs.

Before I could wait for Kian to come back I let my eyes close and slept peacefully.



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