Brotherly-Sisterly Hug

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Thia's POV
"Good morning sis!! Landon said in an overly happy, sarcastic voice.
"It's morning, aren't you supposed to be hung over? Or hiding from the sunlight?" I retorted. "I can feel the love. Mmmm" he said hugging himself for a second. "You know you're not my brother," I said matter-of-factually. "Not yet," he added.
"What do you mean?"
"It's not official, but I think I've managed to fool them into thinking I am a newly changed person just like my sis, and I want to be changed people together." He hugged me forcefully "a brotherly-sisterly hug, what a beautiful thing" he said.
"I never knew how fortunate I was not having a brother" I said as I pulled away from the hug. He deeply glared into my eyes and I was completely paralyzed by his menacing black eyes. I almost disregarded the sound in the room when I heard him say with a smirk on his face "you know, they're like a black hole, if you look to long they'll suck you inside of them."
"I wasn't looking at your eyes, you have something on your face" I lied.
He came up to me and surprisingly gently grabbed my wrists with his hands, "who said I was talking about my eyes" his eyes we're now piercing into mine.
"I-I-ummm..." brain the one time you don't think of a snappy come back!!
"You?....what" he said teasing me.
"I'm gonna go" I whipped my body around as quick as a could and just as I was about to make it into my room he pulled me backwards to press the back of me against him as he wrapped his hands around my waist. He whispered in my ear "you know sis, I'm going to be wanting all those sisterly hugs I missed out on for all those years."
He squeezed me tighter "ohh I can feel the brother-sister bonding already..."
I went into my room and got ready for school. My mom and dad work at home on occasion, so we eat breakfast together. With a mouthful of food, Heather gestured her head back and forth between Landon and I and then said "I am so sorry, I forgot to introduce you two."
"Oh we've already gotten 'acquainted'" he nudged me "right sis??"
"Ok I was trying to be nice before, but I'm just gonna say it. They still haven't adopted you, you're just a temporary foster kid!!! They filter kids through our house for like only 6 months at a time, then it's bye bye to you and your little act!!"
Heather and Walt looked at me as if I were kicking a puppy, like I was some heartless person!! "Honey we were actually considering adopting him like we did----"
I cut her off realizing how she was going to end that sentence. He didn't have to know my past, that I was just like his worthless ass. "Are you serious?!!! Don't you see he is a scheming asshole!?"
"THIA GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!!!" Walt said with an unfamiliar, booming, authoritative tone. Just as I was leaving the room I heard Landon say in an innocent, victim-like voice "I should probably pack my bags so I'm ready for the next home...."

Landon's POV
"Sweetheart, don't do that" Heather said.
"It's alright, I can tell when I'm not wanted..." I said softly.
I went down the hall as if I were going to my room but went into Thia's room. "Why don't you like me?" I said actually kind of hurt. "I don't just dislike you, you disgust me. The entire throw your life away act isn't cool. It's stupid, cause one day you're going to realize you have made the biggest mistake of your life taking people like Heather and Walt, just treating their kindness like a game!!!" Thia screamed at me. "It's not an act!! You know if you actually got to know me, you'd still probably never understand where I've come from and how much my life has sucked!!! You're just some stuck up bitch who has gotten everything she's ever asked mommy and daddy for!! People like you don't understand people like me!!!!"
I went into my room, sat on the edge of my bed, with my elbows placed on my knees and my head resting in my hands as I went through all the emotions that I was feeling. 'No one understands me, no one likes me..., what is the point of living......wait no you've thought that before, you can't get out of this world that easily, but maybe.....
The first girl you've ever thought you may genuinely like is disgusted by you...'
Life was going to change for the worst or the best, and I was going to make it happen either way. I had control over my life.
Oh how coincidental, it's time for school, great.....

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