Welcome to the Family

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Thia's POV
"Hey Josh!" I sat down with a plop on his bed. I leaned into him and he slightly moved his arm like he wanted to put it around me, but he couldn't fully figure out how to move it. "Do you want me to---umm put---your arm around me?" I said with a blush. I hadn't remembered what effect his arm touching mine had on me until it sent tingles all over my skin when he moved his arm "yeah..."
He said it with such sadness it felt like he didn't want to, but he may have been upset by something else.. "Ok" I quickly positioned his arm around me and nuzzled into him. "So where was I? Hmm I think I was about to tell you our do-what-I-say date."

' You suggested we make tinfoil boats and race them down a river. The loser had to do something they hadn't done for anyone else, at the winner's request. Your boat got caught in a quicker current than mine and away yours went, beating my little boat to the twig finish barrier we had set up to catch our boats. That was the very first day I had shown someone my dance routine. You seemed captivated by every move I made. It started to rain during my dance, so I ended shortly after that. When I finished you came up to me and said, "you know I've never done this...for anyone" you picked me up and kissed me in the rain. It was every girl's fantasy and I figured out why that day. It was an amazing first kiss. You kissed me so perfectly, Nicholas Sparks couldn't have written that moment any better. You let me down and I quickly went around you to jump on your back for a piggy back ride back to the car. '

'We did the weirdest things for dates. One time we did a survey date going as a team asking random people questions like: If you were a worm, how long would you be? Who's a person you would never want to meet? What would be the scariest way to be murdered? What's the name of your future baby? What is your fantasy world like? Awesome random object? It wasn't necessarily the questions, but rather the answers written down that made it weird, since we asked only one question per person we ended up with a bunch of random answers that made
5 inches long
Charlie sheen or Paula abdul
Buried alive
In a foreign country where it snows cotton candy and the people are all kind and sweet
We looked at each other and then back at the list, we created a murder scenario O.O .....

A few days later I was walking out of school and I was looking for you but you were no where to be found, so I started to walk home. As I was walking on the sidewalk I was suddenly sacked by a random person from behind. I was in a huge potato sack? I freaked out for five minutes while my captor carried me to a playground, to lay me down in what felt like a sand box....oh god, this is how I die ?? Like BERTHA!!! O.O???.
The bag started to open and I felt a hand snake into the bag to stroke my cheek. I thought to myself 'my kidnapper can't stroke my cheek!'! So I bit the hand. It quickly retreated as I heard an "Owww Thia" and noticed that it was you Josh. You purposely brought me to the sand box to freak me out. I started to run away but suddenly throughout my run to escape I was drawn backwards by your hand pulling my waist back. "This is how it ends Bertha!!" you whispered into my ear while letting out a chuckle.
The rest of the day we spent hanging out on a picnic blanket.'
"That's probably enough for the day, I should let you get your rest baby, see you tomorrow." I leaned down to kiss Josh and this time his head lifted to meet mine, he parted his lips slightly, and we had a kiss that was almost like a normal kiss. It was progress and I wouldn't mind teaching him when I came over.

Joshua's POV
She told me about some more of our dates bringing back my memory of the first time I kissed her. It was a kiss in the rain. It was an amazing kiss...as she talked about how she felt about that kiss I looked over at her and imagined kissing her like that now. Maybe someday we can kiss like that again.
Haha I remember when she thought she somehow took on the fate of our fictitious character Bertha. I freaked her out so much that I actually started to feel like I was actually kidnapping her, even though I don't think she would have minded if she knew it was me.
As she left me she brought her face near to mine...this was it, I would wow her with a kiss just like our first kiss...I leaned in, separated my lips just a bit, her lips came to mine, and then my lips didn't know which way to move. My head was kind enough to cooperate, but my lips just weren't getting the message!! She left and I felt like an ass. She probably thought that was the worst kiss of her life....

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