The Escort

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Thia's POV
"How is physical therapy going? What have you learned to do?" I asked josh. "Good-- I can use the bathroom by myself haha--eat--other stuff---but they didn't teach me how to kiss again."
I looked at him "would you like me to teach you?" I said while slightly raising my eyebrows.
"Yeah" he said.
"Alright, do as I do," I said with a smirk before I leaned in and lightly kissed him. The only thing he was missing was applying a little pressure. I parted from him, "kiss me like you mean it," this time he kissed me just like he used to. It was like riding a bike. First it was a little rough, but then he got the hang of it.
Once the lesson for the day was done we laid on his bed cuddling like we used to, lying there silently. We fell asleep like that, causing me to stay way later than curfew. I got up really quickly "I got to go, it's past my curfew" I said in a rush.
As I got to the door I heard Josh say "wait."
I stopped and said "what?" curious to what he was going to say.
"I love you baby."
A smile crept across my face "I love you too," I replied.

Joshua's POV
She laid with me on my bed like usual, but today instead of telling me a story, she asked how physical therapy was going. I wanted to tell her that I learned all I needed to be the normal guy she used to be adventurous with. To pick her up in my arms effortlessly and twirl her around, but I wasn't capable of doing those things, at least not for now....I have been working on the basics for months and I can't walk alone. I have to have someone hold my arm to help stabilize me while I try to move. I wasn't going tell her what I couldn't do. I would just focus on the things I can do, and just be vague about it.
I was wondering if my lips knew how to move better from all the speech therapy I had been doing... so I mentioned to her that there was one thing that I wanted to learn, but not from my therapists, which was kissing. She told me to do as she did. I tried, but only turned out kissing her the same way I kissed her last time, the dead lips kiss....ughhhh. She parted from me and told me to kiss her like I meant it. This was it, I knew the problem. I would do exactly as I did before, but pretend to be forming one of the words I had been learning to say so that I would have at least something to make my lips move. This time when she leaned in for another kiss, I think I got the pressure right. In response to my efforts she kissed me harder than the initial kiss she had given me and she wasn't stopping to give me anymore pointers. I did it!! I knew I could! I would like to thank my lips and my brain for cooperating to make that a very successful attempt! We laid there for a while and the next thing I knew I was woken up by Thia telling me she had to go, because it was past her curfew. Oh my god.... the last time she broke curfew was when she came back from a fight we had gotten into. She had thought it was a bright idea to steal somebody's drugs they had just left around in an ally. Only for us to be spotted by the owner and beaten up until I told Thia to run and that I would take care of them. I went home all banged up as well. I just lied to my parents and said that some losers called Thia a slut and that I stood up for her, but the guys were stronger than they appeared. My parents accepted my excuse because my dad always told me to treat a lady with respect and the guys who supposedly called her a slut weren't abiding by those rules. My mom being the feminist she was, went on to say that they were wrong for calling Thia a slut because men sleep around all the time as well, so why don't women go calling men sluts and etc., etc., etc. But they bought it, so I was off the hook. Walt and Heather weren't Thia's parents at the time, but had heard about that night from Thia's mom because that happened to be one of the very few nights that Thia's mom wasn't drunk. She told them that Thia usually managed to get herself into some sort of trouble if she stayed out long enough looking for it. So any time they thought about her being out too late, they got really worried. Thia had been good about getting home on time since my accident happened, except for tonight...
I told her I loved her and she smiled and said she loved me too, before heading out my door.

Thia's POV
When I got home Heather, Walt, and surprisingly Landon were all siting in the living room waiting for me.
"We were worried sick. Where have you been?" Heather questioned.
"I'm so sorry, I was at Joshua's house and we fell asleep."
"Where did you two fall asleep?" Heather pressed.
"On his bed" I answered.
"Why were you two on his bed?" Walt interjected.
"We were just lying there. You know he has brain damage, he didn't even remember how to kiss until today!! He wouldn't try anything like that!!" I defended myself.
"But you'd be willing to teach him, right?!?" Landon said enraged after I had practically screamed in his face telling him that I kissed Joshua.
Heather and Walt looked at each other in shock that Landon even cared to share his opinion about this, but soon realized that what he said was possible. "As punishment for coming home late, Landon is going to be coming with you when you go out. Anywhere. For a month. He will make sure you get home on time. Maybe you two could get to know each other better as a result of this punishment," Heather said. She looked over to Landon, "Would that be okay with you?"
"It would be my honor to escort my dear sister to her external affairs away from the home" he replied, in an all too proper way.

Landon's POV
Today was day one of bringing my crush to her boyfriend's house, so that I could see every little bit of agonizing tangible evidence that she truly could like him.
We went to school like usual, but when we were leaving school Thia decided she wanted to see Joshua right then. On the way she asked me, "what do you usually do during the day? I hope my punishment isn't interfering with any of your usual after school plans."
"Well if you consider getting high something that can be a regular thing, then that is usually what I do. Although, if you would like sister dear, you could take out some of your stash and all three of us could do it together in you little boyfriend's room when we get there," I replied sarcastically, adding a wink, which always seemed to get under her skin.
"Forget I even asked..." Thia rolled her eyes.
When we got to Joshua's, Thia introduced me as her brother to his parents. Then we went up the stairs to his room. This was going to be awkward.....
"Hey baby," I heard him say as Thia entered his room as I waited outside. Thia told me to come in when I heard her finish explaining to him why I was here. While I had waited I heard her answer him by saying, "Hi, Joshy." There was a silence. Then a few moments later I heard what sounded like lips parting....Then she told him about her punishment for coming home after curfew.
That was my que. I walked in and said "Hey, I'm Landon..." I wonder what she told him about me....
"Hey," he said while smiling friendly at me. She must have not told him anything too bad. I sat down in a chair the farthest away from the two of them. "Don't mind me, I'm just here to make sure she gets back on time. Pretend like I'm not even here."
Thia answered "ok" way to quickly. Then josh put his hand on her back to pull her towards him, close enough for him to kiss her, then I looked away. I couldn't stand even the thought of them kissing, let alone watching it happen. I was about to listen to music on my iPod with my head phones so I could drown out the thought of her and him, when I heard him say "paper--pen--please" What did he need that for...? I kept my iPod paused waiting to see if she would say something to him in reply to what he was going to write on the paper.

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