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Joshua's POV

I'm scared that Thia left like that... she had that same look she had when I told her I couldn't come out with her one night, that same look that she had when she needed some space outside on that porch... She wasn't thinking, or perhaps she was thinking too much. There comes a point in her thinking where she boils down what's gone on in her life and concludes she's better off dead, not facing life on Earth longer than she can handle. For such a young person, she's gone through a lot, more than I ever will. Usually I protected her from feelings of sadness, but this time I was the cause... I did a stupid thing I shouldn't have done years ago.

Thia's POV

I hide as long as I can, seeing the figure meander around the barn, as though looking in to find something...I wish the idiot would know the doors open like a usual damn barn, but they continue pacing, so I have no extra time to run in the opposite direction. I hide beside the bushes that surround the barn and hope for dear life the person doesn't find me. Minutes later I hear that glorious door open. There is a pause, as though they take a moment to inspect the inside before stepping in, but soon I hear it shut behind them. I wait a second and begin making my way back across the field. It's super dark and I can't see a thing, but I'm at peace knowing that whoever that was, was tucked inside that barn, unable to see me. Just as I round the first corner, I am grabbed from behind. I begin screaming and elbowing my captor, but then they muzzle my mouth with their hand to muffle my screams. Tears stream down my face as I begin to accept that it was happening all over again...that I made one more dumb mistake. "Shhhh it's ok." My captor says soothingly, using their free hand to stroke my hair. "It's me, you don't need to be afraid."

Landon's POV

Thia turned around and pressed her head against my chest. "Landon what the hell?!" She says, each word muffled by my shirt. "Thia I didn't know where you went, I was so worried about you," I say as I pull her in tighter. "Landon we need to go home." She pleads. I take her hand and we walk back to the car and drive home without a word. Once inside, we call out for Walt and Heather. We don't hear a thing and the house is silent. It's date night. I take Thia to my room, she plops on my bed and curls up against a pillow. I drape a blanket on her and then lay beside her. "Landon..." she whispers. "Yes?" I respond, curious to know what she'll say next. "Can you.... hold me?" I scoot closer and wrap my arms around her, stroking her arm with my right hand. "Thia what happened?" I question. "That performance... I just. I couldn't watch it. She's--- I mean, I just had so many thoughts running through my mind." She confused me, so inquired further "What thoughts?" She begins to cry, "bad ones... Landon there's so much you don't know...I don't think there's ever been a person I got close too that didn't hurt me." Thia reminds me so much of myself sometimes that it is odd. She looks like this cookie cutter girl that has never had an issue in her life. She always says things to make me doubt my first impressions of her. I know that she was adopted by Heather and Walt... but what was her life before them like...? I want to ask her so many questions, but I refrain "what about Heather and Walt?" Her bodies heaving slows down as she says "those people hardly know me Landon... you don't either. I've not let any of you guys in like that. They know what I've been through cause it's in my records, but they don't really know the subtext, the terrible nights never documented, the worrying, the crying, the depression, the reckless decisions. I was so lonely." She cries harder and I hold her closer. "Thia, let me in, please. I didn't have anyone either... you're the only one who's ever made me feel like there's something better to life. I want to be with you." Her heaves quicken as she cries uncontrollably. Once it died down again, she murmurs "what about Sophia?" My face crinkles in confusion, but she can't see, "what do you mean?" Thia gets quieter, "didn't you go home with her before you found me at Philia's...?" I kiss her neck and then say "god you really don't get it Thia. I'll never want her. Nothing has ever happened between her and I. I want you Thia, just you." Her little body softens into mine as I continue to kiss along her perfect neck and glide my hand along her body. "I'm with Josh...." she says as if to remind herself. "What were you doing alone at Philia's then?" I say, knowing that something happened. She turns around towards me and looks up into my eyes like Soph's poorly attempted so many times. Thia's eyes shine with sincerity and it makes it so much sexier. I kiss her and then get on top of her like I did so many months ago when she hated me... "Thia I want you so bad...." She can see how bad I want her, but I pause for her to give me some kind of response. She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me back to her. I begin to grope her underneath her clothes. She pushes me off gently and moves my hands to the bottom of her shirt and lifts her hands up. I slip it off and then unclasp her bra. She looks surprised that I also took her bra off, but gets on top of me anyway. Her body is so beautiful and her skin is so soft... I am going crazy looking at how gorgeous she is. We both strip down to just our underwear. I want to feel her, what it's like to really be with her. I take out a condom and begin to slide my underwear down slowly. I put the condom on and get back on top of her. Just as I am about to... she says "Landon wait..." I look into her eyes and they look fearful. I get off her and lay beside her. She looks relieved and surprised now, as she continues with her sentence. "Landon, I can't do this. I want to do this, but I can't.

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