The Notepad

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Joshua's POV
The next day I saw Thia, I took the initiative to pull her in closer to me to kiss her. Once our kiss was over she explained to me that Walt and heather decided her punishment would be that she would have to come home on time every night. I could deal with that, but the part that bothered me was when she told me that the way they would make sure she got home was to send her new foster brother with her. He would stay in the room with us, drive her home, spend those car rides alone with her.....I felt my face burn red with anger, so I quickly tuned it down and thought about how much she loved me. There was no way that this guy could take her away from me, was there? I mean it's not like he's attractive or anything. Anyway, he's probably some ratty hobo looking kind of bad 'kid', not some dark mysterious bad 'guy' with a rep, which was the type she was mainly interested in. Soon enough he came in and boy was I wrong, he was the kind of guy I could spot out in a crowd and say "if I wasn't with her, that guy right there is probably the next one that would catch her eye." Even his demeanor bothered me. He could make someone feel comfortable, threatened, and inferior at the same time...I'm sure he's planning on trying all of his tricks on her....and that's what I was afraid of the most. I wasn't going to let Thia see my jealousy though. That was one thing she hated the most and also would make her wonder why I was jealous of him. I wouldn't push her into the arms of another guy. She may fall accidentally on her own, but knowing I've pushed her there would be the worst feeling ever. I said "hey" to him in the most friendly and welcoming way possible. Then he did the whole 'I'm too cool to say hey back, I'll just pretend like I don't greet people, I talk on my own terms' thing. When he told Thia and I to pretend like he wasn't even there Thia answered immediately by saying "ok" and quickly bringing her lips to mine again in response to me putting my hand on her back to pull her towards me. When we separated I noticed from the corner of my eye that Landon was making a big effort to not even look at Thia and I kiss.....he likes her.....I don't know if she feels the same, but his feelings for her could be plainly seen on his face. I muttered the words "paper pencil please," to Thia. It was becoming apparent to me that it's quicker and easier for me to write what I was thinking rather than say it.

Thia's POV
I handed Josh the paper and pencil. A few minutes later he had written: "I've figured out I can write better than speak. I was wondering. What happened with our relationship? I can only remember most parts of when we used to do bad stuff, but you're reminding me of more innocent days we must have shared together." It was sloppily written, but I got the gist of what he meant.
"It was about three quarters through our relationship that I corrupted you. One night I just--I needed to get away, and you were willing to come and get away from the world too. Then we started doing those things that helped us get away, regularly...---------Most of our relationship was happy and innocent. I still loved you no matter what we did when we shared time together. These have been the best two and a half years of my life."
"Oh" Josh responded.
"I'll tell you about it when I get to that part of our relationship together. I think I was about to tell you about our date where we did any first-date cliche."
'He pretended to be an awkward shy guy as we role played the part where he asked me out "Would you want to...uh go out with me sometime....?" (he said while periodically looking at his feet). Pretending to be an overly excited, crazy girl, I screamed "I'D LOVE TOO!!!! HOW ABOUT TONIGHT?!!?
We started the date off with a movie, it was a crappy comedy with terrible acting. You couldn't have a cliche first date if you didn't have the horrible movie choice making it really awkward. We had bought a bucket of popcorn to share and went to sit down in the theater. Josh slowly lifted his arm attempting to yawn while doing it, but ended up looking more like he was trying to breath in as much air as possibly could. When the movie ended we made our way to the restaurant. He jolted the car to a stop in a parking spot in front of the restaurant, making a mad dash to my door. He opened the door as smoothly as he could. After I got out of the car he reached in the back to grab the roses he had for me. "These are for you.." I took them and blushed. We made our way into the pizza place and once our pizza was done we sat down in one of the overly plush booths. We asked each other the usual first date questions, such as: do you have any pets? Siblings? What do you do for fun? What's your favorite restaurant? All of the usual things you ask while getting acquainted. I 'accidentally' spilled my soda on myself, as he tried to come to the rescue, only making it worse because he uses one of the napkins we used for our greasy hands. Then it became awkward because the liquid was already soaked into my shirt and now he is just standing there rubbing a napkin on me. After dinner we went to the park to take a walk. He looks over to me and says, "you look cold, here let me give you my jacket" as he took off his jacket and held it for me while I slipped my arms through. "Thanks" I said while blushing, then I took his hand and we walked hand in hand through the park. When it came time to bring me home he drove me to my house and walked me to the front door. "I had a fun time" I murmured through a smile.
"Me too..." he replied as he came a little bit closer leaning in to kiss me. I slowly brought my lips to his and gave him a shy peck on his lips and turned around to open my door. As I was about to step inside, Josh put his hands around my waist pulling me towards him for another kiss. He said "first date's over" and started to kiss me with more familiarity.'
Josh wrote down on the paper "I liked the last part the most."
"Me too" I said trailing off as I leaned in to kiss him.
"Get me down from here!!" I shouted down to Josh on the ground, while I was stuck holding onto the rim of the basket ball hoop. "Just jump, I'll catch you."
"But it's scary!!"
"I'll be right here ready to catch you"
"Ok..." I said as I released my grip from the rim as started to fall down, only to land in Josh's arms just like he told me would happen.
"I told you I'd catch you."
He let me down and when my feet were firmly planted on the ground I replied, "you were the one who practically put me up there to hang on for dear life!!"
"I wasn't the one who wanted to do a slam dunk" he teased.
"I wanted to know what it would be like, but now I know that the giants who play basket ball are nuts for ever creating such a thing," I ended in a huff.
"Well they're all normal size or above, shorty" he teased, as he brought his forehead to rest against mine.
"I'm fun sized thank you very much!" I retorted.
"That you are" he responded flirtily, while grabbing me, pulling me over his shoulder. He brought me to a picnic table to lay me on top of it, then laid right next to me. I rested my head on his chest and he started to stroke my hair, "Thia I want us to last forever."
I wrapped my arms around him and lifted my head up to look at his face "to infinity and beyond, Joshy??" he tilted my chin up to kiss me.
I cuddled up closer to Josh on his bed as he recreated our kiss that night.
"Sorry to break up the love fest, but I have to bring Thia home now," Landon said while taking out his headphones.
"Bummer. Bye, baby," I said to Josh while I got my purse.
"Bye, Thia," Josh responded.

I never knew what caused our relationship to completely do a one-eighty in the way we chose to spend our time together. I asked her through the note, but she replied vaguely telling me that she needed to get away from the world one night and that she noticed that she needed to get away from the world a lot more after that. She wanted to wait until we got to that part of the story of our relationship. It was so cute how she wanted to keep it all in order. Oh, the cliché date...that was the weirdest date I had ever brought her on. We pretended like we were strangers, awkward, and couldn't think of anything original. So we did things like go to the movies, eat pizza, have awkward moments where I started to clean up accidental spills on her shirt too long for comfort. I liked the part where it ended....cause I got to kiss her after the cliché first peck. When I wrote that on the paper a smile formed on her lips, then she leaned in and kissed me.
When we played basketball that one time, I don't know what she was thinking when she wanted to end a shot by holding onto the rim. Didn't she expect hanging from the rim at her height would be like hanging on for dear life to keep her from a bone-crushing fall?....Well at least in her perspective it seemed like that. She kept begging me to grab her instead of force her to fall for about one foot until she landed in my arms. Finally she gave up and told me to prepare to catch her. With my arms out like they had been for the past few minutes, she said "ok...." and let go, falling into my arms. I teased her and then brought her over to a picnic table. We talked for a while and ended the night with me telling her I wanted our relationship to last forever. She quoted buzz lightyear and said "to infinity and beyond, baby." Then I held her chinup with my hand, gently kissing her.
Landon interrupted us, telling Thia in an agitated tone that it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes and she left.

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