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Thia's POV
"So Landon's not going to be bringing me over anymore..."
"Why?" Josh asked with curiosity since it was week left until the month of Landon bringing me and making sure I got home on time was over.
"Uhhhh he started a new activity that is after school when I usually come over, so yeah..."
"What activity?" he questioned with genuine interest.
"I don't know" I answered, causing him to have a very confused expression on his face, but he dropped the subject and I started to tell him more stories of us.
'He placed his hands on my waist as he steadied me to keep me from falling. "You've never roller skated before?" Josh asked me while I was wobbling like a foal that had just been born attempting to walk. Yeah... I was that bad. Before he held me up, I was falling continuously. "I've roller bladed, but only once. I fell so many times I was told by the workers that I should stop because I was so bad I looked like I was bound to fall and end up breaking something. These are even harder than the other ones!!" I screamed. Josh chuckled. "Don't worry I've got you now, you won't fall. If you do, you'll crush me before you break any of your own bones, I'll make sure of it."
We skated around the rink a few times and I started to get a little better, but I still needed Josh to keep me from falling. After we had been skating for an hour or so, josh freaked me out by skating in front of me and facing towards me as he skated backwards and held my hands. "Josh!!!"
"It's ok baby" he laughed.
Josh held my hands the entire time we skated. He and I went to a sub shop to get a long sandwich to share.'
'Another memorable date was when we went to the park. We raced each other to the bride above the cute little stream that ran underneath. Josh lifted me onto the edge of the bridge. I squealed as he pretended he was going to let me fall in. He grabbed me to let me down, but kept me in his arms for a little while before letting me down to kiss me. He put me down and took out the bag of whole wheat bread we had brought to feed the ducks. They quacked at us. "I think that one's trying to tell you he thinks you look amazing in that dress you're wearing" Josh said as one of the ducks started to approach me for more food. After our bag of bread was gone we left the ducks and headed over to a slight hill and laid down on our backs to look at the clouds "It's a duck" Josh pointed towards to the cloud in the sky,
"No, that's a swan"
"How about we settle on it being the ugly duckling in his preteen stage?"
"Sure" I giggled.
"Ooo, it's chuck norris floating 10 feet above a tsunami wave!!" I shouted.
"You mean 'on' the wave, not above, right?" Josh questioned.
"It's chuck norris, he's floating above the wave" I answered as if it was obvious.
"Cloud pillow!!" Josh said when he saw an very ordinary shaped cloud.
"It's the top of a cartoon tree"
We pointed out clouds for hours until the sun started to set. Then we just laid there holding each other while we watched the beautiful sun set.'

Joshua's POV
Something's weird about Landon randomly starting a new activity. Thia doesn't even know what it is... What has been going on between the two of them?
I love it when Thia tells me about what we used to do together. She starts to drift off into another world, as if she's picturing everything she's telling me, like she's living it all over again. I want to be the guy I used to be for her. I want to bring her on romantic dates to remind her of what it's like to be together.

Landon's POV
"Here's the list of songs we're going to learn for a gig that we have in a month. We usually play songs by other artists, so you can just look the songs up to get a feel for how the songs go and we have the sheet music printed out for you too," the base player, Seth, explained to me. "We're going to be doing mainly love songs, cause we will be playing at a wedding reception" Sophia added. "We should have you two sing a song on the list to see how well you guys sing together, for the duets," the pianist, Connor, suggested while motioning to sophia and I. Then he looked over towards me, "Do u know any of the songs on the list?" he asked. I looked over the list "I know the lyrics to 'need you now'" I responded. Sophia and I started to sing the song, during the song she started to walk around me and approach me as she tried to portray the emotions expressed through the lyrics in the song. I sang the best I could, but didn't do any of the moving around she was doing. "You need to loosen up a bit, move around, connect with her while you sing it. If you two have good chemistry when we perform for gigs, it will make it a better show," Conner directed me. "Ok, next time we sing together I'll make sure I do that" I reassured him.
"Actually I have a different idea, let's go to a club, just the two of us. We can dance and become more comfortable with one another" Sophia proposed. "Uhhh ok, meet you at the club downtown at 9?" I asked.
"Sure, I'll see you there" she replied.
Later that night we met at the club, she had a tight fitting black dress on with high heels and her hair down. We danced closely the entire night, some points she would walk around me with her hand grazing over me. In response to that I would run my hands down her sides, but not too suggestively. At the end of the night I walked her to her car, she leaned back against the car and looked me in the eyes expectantly. After a minute of silence she said "aren't you going to kiss me?" as if it was obvious I should kiss her. "No" I responded, causing her face to go really red "Oh."
"It's not that I don't find you attractive. I just like this one girl and don't want to lose a chance I could have with her.....I'm sorry"
"Does she know that you have feelings for her?" she questioned.
"Then why don't you have your chance right now?"
"It's complicated"
"How so?"
"She has a boyfriend"
"Oh.....maybe you could pretend to date me to make her jealous?"
"I don't want to hurt her like that, she told me she has feelings for me too"
"That chick sounds messed up."
"She's not, she's just....confused"
"Well I hope you two can sort things out, but if things don't work out, call me" Sophia said
"Haha thanks, I think. Bye"
"Bye Landon"
I walked to my car, got in, and drove home.

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