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Donald DeGrate
January 1st, 1998


"I can't believe it's '98 already

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"I can't believe it's '98 already. We made it through another year baby."

I made it through another year. won't even be alive in a few minutes.

"Mhm." I responded, tightly gripping the steering wheel and clenching my jaw as images of Stephen fucking that bitch in my bed ran through my head. They were supposed to be over. He told me they were over. But he lied. And now he has to pay.

I smirked sinisterly, thinking about how in just a few minutes his body would be floating face down in the black lake as the fish feasted on his remains. It was Saturday, New Years Day to be exact. Stephen thought we were going to to a New Years party, and we were. What he didn't know is that one of us wouldn't be returning. And it won't be me. "Donald baby what's wrong? You look so..." he trailed off, beginning to study the side of my face as he tried to search for the right words, "grim."

I turned my head towards him slowly. A malicious grin spread upon my face, "Everything's fine. You good?"

"Y-Yeah." he smiled unsurely, glancing down and then back up at me. He gave me a small smile.

I returned the smile and focused my eyes back on the road. It was a surprisingly cold in Charlotte today. About two inches of snow had covered the asphalt road that had seemed to never end, laying on top of a thin sheet of ice. It was so cold outside that even in the car with heat, you could still see your breath in front of you. The sky was various shades of dark gray as if it was going to rain and a light fog had settled over the city. What a perfect day to kill somebody...

Seeing the sign for the lake ahead, I began to go faster. And faster. I was doing 80 in a 45 and at this point I didn't give a fuck. I mean why should I? He didn't give a fuck when he was cheating on me, he deserves this shit. "D-Donald slow down." Stephen exclaimed with wide eyes. He tightly gripped the seat as his body tensed up. I went into a fit of maniacal laughter, ignoring Stephen's frantic cries. I leaned my head forward as I accelerated. The layer of black ice plastered over the ground caused me to go even faster, slipping and sliding all over the place until we reached the cliff that stood over the lake. The car stopped abruptly, inches away from the edge of the cliff and I shut off the car, relieving a terror stricken turned enraged Stephen. "YO DONALD WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I smirked and got out of the car. I walked to the front of it, pulling a blunt out of my pocket and lighting it before putting it up to my lips. Stephen came stomping his dramatic ass in front of me and I frowned, "Fuck wrong with you now?"


"First of all, if I wanted to kill yo ugly ass I would've done it. I was just having a little fun you fuckin' party pooper. First you wouldn't give me none now I can't even play with yo ass. Always tryna' rain on the damn parade. Buzzkill." I spat as I rolled my eyes. "I called myself trying to be romantic, trying to take you up here and shit since the party across the lake. And you actin-"

"Alright I get it. I'm sorry. I just been...a little on edge lately. Last week when I was upstairs in your room waiting for you to get off of work I thought I seen your brother watching me through the crack of the door. I thought it was you at first but it wasn't. I been feeling like that all week and it got me uneasy and nervous as hell." I nodded my head and got off of the car. I started walking towards the cliff a little more as Stephen followed and continued talking. "That...that wasn't you was it?"

I took the blunt front my lips and tilted my head to the side, "Why? You got somethin' to hide?"

His eyes widened and he shook his head, "No-no, nah I was just askin'. You know." he stuttered and laughed nervously as he rubbed his hands against the sides of his pants. I studied his face, searching for signs of vulnerability. His hands trembled and he couldn't even look me in the eye, anybody would be able to see that this nigga was clearly lying. "Hey it's getting darker out here, we should probably make our way up the hill now." he changed the subject and began to turn around.

"Yeah okay. I just go one more question." I dropped the remains of my blunt on the ground and stepped on it and began walking towards Stephen until I was directly in front of him. "Have you seen your ex girlfriend lately?"

" Wh-Why you ask?" he stammered.

I felt my face grow hot. My jaw clenched and my nostrils flared, I don't know why he keep lying to me in my face like I'm stupid. I wanted to snap his fuckin' neck right then and there but I decided to keep my composure. "You sure about that?"


My eyes darkened and flashed with anger and my calm demeanor was replaced with nothing but rage, "Wrong answer." I walked closer to him causing him to walk backwards, slipping on the edge of the cliff. He screamed and reached out for me but I grabbed his hands and pushed them forcefully into his chest, causing him to fall backwards and over the cliff. Soon after, I heard a loud boom followed by a splash. I smirked sinisterly and started walking back to the car, placing a cigarette between my lips.

I didn't want to do that to you, but you left me no choice. Happy New Years baby.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. | 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now