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Dana Haughton
August 21st, 2002


After about a 25 minute drive in silence, we finally had arrived at the restaurant

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After about a 25 minute drive in silence, we finally had arrived at the restaurant. We pulled up to a large beige colored brick building with glass doors and tall plants with lights on them, which stood in front of the building. Del Posto was written on the building in black in large cursive words. I stared at the restaurant in awe, I don't think I've ever been anywhere this nice. I was staring so long I didn't even notice Donald get out of the car and come to the other side and open my door.

"Dana...shorty you gon' get out or..."

I looked up and saw an impatient Donald standing outside of the car door. "Oh...yeah! My bad." I nervously chuckled. I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my clutch. Donald extended his hand out and I grabbed it. He pulled me out of the car and shut the door behind me, locking it when he was done. He flashed me a toothy grin before locking his fingers with mine. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and he smirked in return, "Come on friend." he said slyly, putting extra emphasis on friend as he lightly squeezed my hand.

Friend my ass.

I had a feeling that this would turn out to be more than just a 'friend' date. I couldn't help but think he wanted more than a friendship friend as what Stephen said to me yesterday began to come back to me.

"Ain't no being 'just friends' with that man. Donald is very manipulative, he's very persuasive and can get you to do almost anything without even trying."

"He'll say y'all 'just friends', ask you out to 'chill as friends', and then next thing you know you face down ass up on his bed with ya panties around ya ankles."

What if he was right?

Honestly fuck it. It's not like I didn't want it, cause I did. Donald was sketchy as fuck and a little too mysterious for my liking, but at the same time, the shy and mysterious bad boy aura he gave off is what drew me to him. It was no secret that I wanted to know more. Most importantly, I wanted to see what he slangin' around in them jeans. So if we did decide know maybe it wouldn't be that bad. We both could get what we wanted. And from how he studied me from head to toe as he bit and ran his tongue over his plum lips, I knew he was just as curious to see what was between my legs. But for now, I'll play stuck up and hard to get. I don't wanna seem too easy.

We had reached the glass doors of the restaurant and Donald held the door open for me, "After you, shorty." I blushed and looked down as my brown eyes met with his hazel eyes. I walked inside, turning around once I felt Donald's hand brush against my ass. "Oops, my bad shorty." he apologized, teasingly smirking.

"Mhm." I replied. We walked into the restaurant and informed the hostess about our reservations. As she grabbed our menus, my eyes wandered around the restaurant, looking at everything in awe. Everything was so beautiful and expensive, I've never been around this many white people in my life. Soon she came back and led us to our table, which was on the second level in a secluded part of the restaurant towards the back. We sat by a huge window that over looked the city, giving us the perfect view to the New York City lights and buildings. It was truly beautiful.

After taking our drink orders, our waiter left, leaving Donald and I alone in an short lived silence. "So," he started, "What do you think so far?"

"'s beautiful. No one has ever taken me anywhere this nice before." I admitted. A smile formed on my face and I reached over the table to put my hands on top of his, "Thank you."

"I'm glad you fuck wit-I'm glad you like it." he paused mid sentence and corrected himself, causing me to laugh. He flashed me a smile, showing off his pearly whites as he involuntary ran his tongue over his bottom lip and I smiled back.


We'd been at the restaurant for maybe about 40 minutes, cracking jokes and making small talk to pass the time while we waited for our food. Turns out that we had a lot in common, from similar taste in music to poetry and art. Donald was also quite the character, I haven't been able to stop laughing all night. We cracked jokes on almost everyone, from our waiter to the highly sophisticated crowd of white people that filled the restaurant, and even each other. He also had this sense of dry humor that I found hilarious, he was so funny with out even trying and the fact that 99% of the time he was being dead serious, made him even funnier.

There was some minor flirting, along with a few suggestive smirks, and some intense stares and lip biting here and there. The way he ate his lobster bisque soup and sipped on his Cristal had me wishing that it was me he was sippin' on. He was being so sexual and teasing with it, and it was driving me insane. I was trying to control myself but the longer I stared at him the harder it became for me to concentrate on anything he was saying. I was horny as hell and I just wanted to rip his fucking clothes off.

"So would you do it?" Donald's deep voice interrupted my inappropriate thoughts, making me jump as I snapped back into reality.

"I-I'm sorry, huh?" I asked.

He chuckled, noticing my confused and slightly embarrassed facial expression, "I said since you do poetry too I was wonderin' if you wanted to go to this open mic night and this bar over in Brooklyn. My friends cousin owns the bar, so you don't have to worry about being 21. It starts at ten-that's...even if you wanna go..." he trailed off.

Once again, I had barely heard anything he said, except the first part. I was too lost in his eyes. "Oh...yeah, I'd love to do you-I-mean do it with you." I looked down as I began to blush as I smiled spread upon my face, "Sorry I meant-"

"It's okay, I know what you mean." He smirked, sitting back in his chair as I continued to blush, putting my head back down.

A couple of minutes later, our food came and we ate in silence, exchanging glances with each other here and there. "Look," he started, "This food good and all, but to be quite honest with you, I'd rather be eatin' yo pussy right now instead. And them looks you been givin' me all night tells me that we both want the same things..." he smirked and licked his lips as his eyes traveled down my body. I sat in shock, my mouth damn near hitting the floor at his boldness and straightforwardness.

Say no more, daddy.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. | 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now