Chapter 1

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*four years before*

Nadirah was 11 years old when her parents moved from Manhattan to Chicago because of her father's company relocation.

When she walked into Southside Middle School, she saw a lot of kids in the hallways as she looked for the main office. When she was walking, she bumped into somebody making her drop everything in her hands.

"My bad, ma" said the boy who bumped into her

"No, you're fine it was my fault"

Nadirah mentally face palmed herself as she asked why she must be so clumsy.

"You must be new cause I know everybody here and I've never seen you" he said

"I am, my name's Nadirah nice to meet you" she said

"My name's Antonio but everybody calls me 600" said Antonio

Antonio was a 14 year old rapper who went by 600 Breezy. He was a Chicago native who had been attending Southside Middle his whole middle school years. Lately he hadn't been going to school because he needed to make money to help his mother with the bills.

"Can you help me find the office"

"No problem" he said

As they walked, she found out he was in the eighth grade and wasn't the teachers' favorite person.

"Well here you are" he said as they approached the office

"Thank you so much" Nadirah said giving him a warm hug

"No problem, see you around Nadirah" he said walking away

"This should be an interesting year" Nadirah said to herself as she got her schedule.

At lunch, Antonio and his friend LA Capone were sitting at their normal table waiting for some drama to happen, but Antonio seen Nadirah sitting by herself so he waved her over to them.

"Why you ain't got no friend yet" Antonio asked

"I'm not good with making friends, especially with females" she said

"Well let me introduce you to my best friend since I was in the womb" Antonio said "LA to Nadirah, Nadirah to LA"

"Now I know your momma ain't put no damn LA on your birth certificate what's your real name" she asked smartly

"If you must know my real name is Leonardo" LA said

"See that's way better" she said with a smile

"I don't know where Durk ass at" Antonio asked looking for him

"Durk" Nadirah asked "I think I met him earlier today he a dickhead"

"Ayo she wild" Antonio and LA said laughing

"No dead ass he got me tight earlier today" she said with a growing attitude

"You gotta excuse him he stayed back like twice he kinda slow" Antonio said making her laugh

Antonio found Nadirah so attractive, from her braces to her milk chocolate skin. He just thought she was the most beautiful person ever.

Antonio left the lunch room dapping LA up and giving Nadirah a quick hug. As Nadirah was throwing her things away and walking to the bathroom she heard moaning in a nearby stall but mind her business. As she was washing her hands Antonio came out the stall with a girl.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend" Nadirah said "hi I'm Nadirah" she said extending her hand out for the girl to shake but instead of shaking it she just looked at it.

"Ok" Nadirah said awkwardly "Well I'll see you later"

Antonio knew he messed up and he knew that it was going to take a lot of convincing to let Nadirah know that he didn't have a girlfriend.

Nadirah's first day went by pretty fast and she was happy about that. As she walked in the house, she seen her parents sitting in the living room.

"Hey honey how was school"asked her mom

"Good" Nadirah said trying not to start a conversation

"Well did you make any friends" she asked


"Well that's good now can you go help Angel with his homework, thanks" she asked continuing to watch tv

Nadirah has been more of a mom to her little brother and sister more than her mother ever had, but she never complained.

"Angel why did you put 4 plus 6 as 9 use the method I taught you" she said to her 6 year old brother Angel

"I did but I keep getting 9" he said tearing up

"Its alright we'll finish later ok"

Authors' Note
Be sure to comment how you liked to chapter. From now on we will be publishing a new chapter every night at midnight.

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