Chapter 7

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Three months later, Antonio was trying to get himself together because he realized how close he was to graduating, but he still had to stay on his grind. Nadirah convinced him that it was only one more year after this school year was up and he should finish it out because he'd already came this far.

"Wassup my nigga" Antonio heard Durk say

"Waddup" he said dapping him "was the block dry last night"

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"Waddup" he said dapping him "was the block dry last night"

"A little but you'll never guess what the fuck happened" he said

"What nigga"

"They was shooting at LA I don't know what he did but them niggas want him dead, like deader than disco music" he said which kinda spooked Ant out cause he'd known LA since diapers and he has never did anything to hurt anybody

"You know why"

"No but I do got an idea" he said "I think that bitch Amber back with her crazy ass brothers"

After he said that Antonio knew it was gonna be nothing but drama because when Amber got pregnant she up and left with giving LA an explanation all she said was when she come back it ain't gon be pretty.

"It's no reason for her to want him dead he wanted to be there for her and the baby, but she left" Antonio said

"I'm just gonna stay away from him cause them bullet don't got names on them and I got kids I need to live for, but I'm boutta be out be safe" they did their handshake and he left

Lately Nadirah had been thinking that she should get on birth control just in case she and Ant wanna do something but don't have any other form of protection.

"Tasha" Nadirah said shaking her out of her sleep and she began waking up "its time for school but I wanted to ask you something"

"What" she said stretching

"Can you come with me to the clinic after school to get pills"

"What type of pills"

"Birth control"

"I've been waiting to say this for the longest safe sex, better wear a latex cause you don't want that late text that I think I'm late text so wrap it up cause you know birth control doesn't always give you the protection a condom would" and with that she went to the bathroom

She's right plus Nadirah was too young to be thinking bout that anyway.

"Come on y'all for we been late" Nadirah said grabbing my book bag

"Alright class we have a couple of new faces so we're going to go around the class and tell where you are from starting with Nadirah" said Mrs. Green my History teacher

"My name's  Nadirah and I'm from Manhattan"

"My name's Tasha and I am from Queens, New York"

"My name's Kim and I'm from Newark, New Jersey"

"My names Tanisha and I am from Queens, New York"

After that Nadirah zoned out and thought about what this school year would bring.

At lunch, everybody sat together just like the year before.

"Babe let me get some please" Nadirah said to Ant trying to get some of his cheese burger

"No cause when I asked you if you wanted one you said no" he said taking a bite

"Ight whatever nigga" she said getting up from the table "Kim can you buy me some food"

"She is something else" Ant said before laughing

"LA lemme talk to you real fast" Ant said

"Wassup" LA said

"Well I've heard niggas been shooting at you"

"It's Amber crazy ass she mad cause I asked to see my son I just want to do right" he said breaking down

"Imma see if I can get somebody to talk to her"

"Preciate it"

"Dirah get your ass back over here" Ant yelled across the cafeteria

All Nadirah did was look at him and roll her eyes.

"You right I'll come over there" he said walking with swiftness

"What's wrong with you"

"Nothing" she said taking some ketchup from Tasha "but we do have to talk"

Antonio was nervous even though he knew he didn't do anything wrong. After lunch he and Nadirah walked together talking.

"I've been thinking bout getting on birth control"

"Listen I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you to have sex with me it's whenever you're ready"

"Alright but I'm still gonna get on just in case"

Ant didn't want to rush things because he simply didn't feel like she was ready.

"Come on Tasha for we miss the bus"

The bus ride downtown to the clinic was longer than ever because we got on at the first stop and the clinic was the last stop. When they got there Nadirah filled out paper work and waited for her name to be called.

"Nadirah Ali" the nurse said "Go to room 510"

"So what brings you in here today" the doctor said

"I wanted to know if I could get on birth control"

"Well here it says you are 14 which is fairly young"

"I know but I just want to be reassured with the protection part"

"Well the supply for 6 months is around $150-$200 and you have to take it everyday for two weeks and you can't have sex because your body isn't used to it" he wrote something down and handed me the paper "take this to your nearest pharmacy"

"Are you scared" asked Tasha

"Kinda because you know how nosey my parents can get and if they find these pills it's over with for me"

"Well let's hurry up back before the pharmacy closes" Tasha said

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