A well known drug dealer who goes by the name 600 Breezy and a quiet girl named Nadirah Ali who's all about school have been liking each other since Nadirah moved from New York in the 6th grade. But what happens when Nadirah's parents doesn't approv...
Four months later, they were all on summer break. School had been so stressful because of the people there, it was always drama. Nadirah's birthday was approaching and she had no idea what she wanted to do. Antonio and she had been distant lately because of the whole baby situation and you could tell he was stressed about it. They both hoped the baby wasn't his.
She received an incoming call from Antonio as she sat on the edge of her bed.
"Hello" Nadirah said into the phone
"Come outside real quick"
"For" Nadirah asked rolling her neck as if he could see her
"Bruh stop being so damn stubborn and come outside" he said
"I guess" she said looking around the room for some shorts "gimme five minutes"
Antonio knew how mean he'd been being towards Nadirah lately and he just wanted to make up for it. He knew she was probably wondering what was up with the whole baby situation, but truth is he didn't know because Emerson won't agree to the DNA test.
As he waited outside, he grew more and more nervous. He was doing something for her that he had never done with any other girl before.
Nadirah walked outside thinking what could be possible want. When she finally got to him her mouth dropped.
"Stop playing" she said with her mouth covered
"Surprise"Antonio said looking shy
There he was standing outside her house with a whole bunch of roses and a teddy bear.
"You do know my birthday isn't until next week right"
"It's not a birthday present" he said "this is my way of apologizing"
"Apology present" Nadirah asked
"Yeah" he said "I apologize for the way I've been acting lately I know I've been an asshole"
"At least you know" Nadirah said laughing.
"Damn you could've pretended that I wasn't but it's okay" he said laughing
"I love you Ant"
"I love you too baby girl"
Nadirah's birthday came around so quick. Nadirah figures out they were throwing her a surprise party because everyone was being sneaky.
"Good morning baby girl" her parents said entering her room "happy birthday"
"Thank you so much" she said gratefully
"Your cousins will be here later on today their flight was delayed" her dad said "now hurry up and get dressed be ready by 12 so we can be at the airport on time"
It was now 11 so she had an hour to get her life together, which was more than enough time. She laid her clothes out and put on her shower cap. She took a 15 minute shower and started straightening her hair since it was her birthday. The ride to the airport took about twenty five minutes.
"Cousins" Nadirah screamed running towards Tanisha, Tasha, and Kim
"Hey girl happy birthday" they said
"I missed y'all so much how's life been" she asked causing everyone to speak at once.
Back at the venue, Kayyah was being the lookout for the car.
"Ok I think I see the car pulling up" said Kayyah
"Why it's so dark in here tho" asked Tasha
"Girl ion know but why your parents leave us fuck is on they biscuit" asked Tanisha
"Surprise" everyone screamed at once
"Thank y'all so much" Nadirah said fake surprised
Nadirah looked around and saw everything seemed cool until people who were speaking loudly approached the hall.
"Happy birthday girl" G Herbo said
"Happy birthday lil bit" Lil bibby said
"Please don't start nothing today and don't say shit about the video shoot" Nadirah warned
"Make sure your boyfriend stay tamed" they said before laughing
"Hey baby" Nadirah said before kissing Antonio
"What the hell are you doing" when she pulled away to see who it was it was no one but Nadia, her mother
"You just wanna get pregnant huh your fast ass and you little boy how old is you" Nadia asked
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"I just turned 17 in April" Antonio explained
"Oh hell no everyone get the fuck out party over" Nadia said shutting the party down
"So much for a birthday huh" Nadirah said to herself
Tanisha didn't understand why Nadia was acting in that way, she personally didn't think it was that serious. When Nadia and Reece were together, Nadia was 15 and Reece was 21. At least Antonio and Nadirah are only 3 years and some months apart.
"Cousin" Tanisha said knocking on her door before opening it "guess what"
"Well me and my sisters are staying for good"
As soon as those words left Tanisha's mouth a smile appeared on Nadirah's face.
"I can't wait till you meet this bitches that's been fucking with me since I moved here"
"Oh word well point them my way cause you know I'll beat a bitch ass quick, fast, and in a hurry" Tanisha said making her laugh
"Well we gon go get some sleep see you in the morning"