Chapter 8

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On April 2nd, Nadirah called Antonio over because she hadn't been spending time with him. She has been thinking a lot about losing her virginity and she thinks she's ready now.

Antonio pulled up in front of Nadirah's house and got out knocking on the door. He rang the doorbell and waited for her to come to the door. Two minutes later she came to the door with a big ass grin.

"Why you smiling"

"I'm just in a happy mood" she said

"Sure you is"

"Come inside"

Twenty minutes later, they were watching The Fast And The Furious but Nadirah wasn't focusing on the movie. She was staring at Ant and thinking if she really wanted to do this. Just as she about to focus on the movie he turns and looks at her.

"Wassup ma why you keep staring at me"

"Boy ain't nobody staring at your ugly ass" she said trying to play it off.

"Yeah ight you know you want this I'm desirable" Ant said with a smirk

"If you don't get your ass" she said laughing "but forreal I started taking the pills regularly"

"What you trynna say" he asked raising his eyebrow

"I think I'm ready"

"Imma take it slow and just let me know if I'm hurting you" he said before he started trailing kisses down to her naval then slowly removing her panties. Before they got together he said he never went down on a female so she was happy to be his first. Shortly after, he started undressing himself.

"You sure you ready" he questioned

"Yeah I'm sure" she said nodding my head

When he pulled his pants down her eyes got big she didn't think that'll be able to fit in her. He must've seen the look on her face because he said

"Don't worry I got you"

As Antonio slid himself in her slowly her eyes shut tightly. He started giving his long slow strokes and he watched as tears came down her face.

"Look at me" he said

"Faster" Nadirah moaned so he did just that.

This all went on for about 2 hours and Nadirah was out like a light. When Ant looked over at his phone he noticed it was almost time for her parents to come home so he kissed her forehead and left out the room shutting the door behind him. He just hoped her neighbors didn't see him coming out.

When she woke up she looked at the time which read 5:30, I slept pretty long. She got up and did her hygiene and made her way to her cousins' rooms.

"Wake y'all asses up" she said loudly. They all jumped up and Tasha and Kim made their way to the upstairs bathrooms.

 They all jumped up and Tasha and Kim made their way to the upstairs bathrooms

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"Child" Tanisha said making Nadirah look at her crazy

"Bitch don't give me that look I heard y'all last night" she said which made her blush in embarrassment

"I don't know what you talking about" she said picking at her nails

"Oh Ant don't stop, right there" she said mocking her

"Shut up before my parents hear you" Nadirah said laughing "don't tell nobody though I don't need all the extra stares"

"Do you think I'd really tell that your fucking the highest paid junior at Southside High" she said laughing "because I wouldn't"

"Today is going to be a long day" she said to herself

That morning when Nadirah came downstairs Reece saw her limping but he didn't question it because if he did Nadia would make it a bigger deal then it should've been.

Antonio decided not to go to school because he needed time to himself. But his thoughts were knocked out when his phone started ringing and it was Keisha.

"Come open the door jack ass" she said then hung up and he went to open the door

"What you want you know nobody really too fond of your ass" he said

"No reason, sit we gotta talk though" she said taking a seat on the couch closest to him

"What is it"

"Me and you both know that Nadirah is too young for you and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what she's doing" she said flirtatiously

"Nah she know exactly what she doing I think it's time for you to leave"

"Come on don't be like that"

"Bitch I said leave"

"Imma show you how much of a bitch I am" she said walking out and slamming the door behind her. He rubbed his hands down his face and decided to go upstairs and think about what she had up her sleeve.

Authors' Note
Bare with us with the sex scenes they'll get better overtime.

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