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Erika Reynolds: Typical college girl. Smart and very social, but very broke. Her parents paid her college tuition, all the way up until her junior year. Until they found out she was bisexual. Since then she's had to work two jobs and ask her grandparents for money to make her way through college. She majors in performing arts. Enjoys singing and acting.She is best friends with Candy, Marquis, and Dimitri. She knows that Marquis has a thing for her, but she chooses not to acknowledge it. She's 20 years old and wondering what she could do to get more money. She might just get what she asking for.

Ethan Dolan: 26 year old business mogul. Seems to be very  humble and sweet. His looks can be deceiving. He meets Erika online and they instantly have a connection. Genuinely likes Erika, even though he has to share her. Enjoys the company she gives him. Ethan is a very nice guy, but that can quickly change. He is very hardworking and started his business with his twin brother,Grayson, when they both graduated from college. Ethan is very naive when it comes to the relationship that he and his brother share with Erika.

Grayson Dolan: Twin brother and business partner of Ethan. Really likes Erika, but wants her all for himself. Very sweet to Erika, but not when he's around other business moguls. Lies to Erika sometimes in order to get what he wants out of her. Not at all a bad person. Just very misunderstood. Likes that Erika gets him. Likes that Erika is smart and doesn't fall into his traps too easily. Likes that Erika is bisexual. Doesn't like that she is friends with Marquis.

Candy Jackson: Best friends with Erika. May have had a thing for her in the past. May still have feelings for her now. Very sweet and simple person. Doesn't like that Erika doesn't know about Candy's feelings for her. Majoring in psychology. Knows that Marquis has a thing for Erika. Knows that Dimitri has a thing for her. Feels bad for not liking him. 

Marquis Brown: Is in love with Erika. Hates the fact that's she doesn't feel the same. Knows that Candy also likes her. Is a pathological liar at times. Loves when Erika sings for him. Feels bad for Erika at moments. Loves her with all of his heart. Wants the best for her. Hates some of the decisions she makes. May like Candy, but is too blind to see it. Majors in photography.

Dimitri Wallace: Rich, but doesn't act like it. Dresses in bummy clothes, but makes it work. Tries to help Erika with her financial crisis. Sneaks weed and Hennessy in his dorm for his friends. Likes Candy a lot. Would do anything for her. Knows she may like Erika. Majors in finance. Hates when people call him Connor, because he's rich. Doesn't understand why he likes Candy. Very good friends with the Dolan twins, through his parents.


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