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"We want you to have a sexual relationship with the both of us." Ethan says.

My body gets tighter. I know what I signed up for, and this ain't it. The thought of it is weird to me. Just dating or possibly doing more with the both of them made me want to leave this before it even begins. But I need the money, and the price that they're willing to pay would have me set for life.

No more worrying about my tuition, just relaxing. No more having to scrub the tables and mop the floors at Omar's on the weekends. No more having to smell people's feet at footlocker. I would be free from all the back breaking labor, that I've been enduring for the past two years.

"Um...I don't know what to say." I say.

"Say you agree." Grayson says.

"I don't know about this. I mean, this little triangle wouldn't work." I say.

"It can. Plus, we're willing to offer you a double in the amount of pay." Ethan says.

My jaw drops. Double? That's 210,000 a week. That's a lot of money. More money than I had last week. More than I've had, ever. An opportunity like this only comes one time, so I guess it's best to go with the flow.

"So, if I did agree what would I have to do?" I ask.

"We were hoping you'd ask that." Grayson says.

He pulls a thin packet, from behind his back. He sits it down on the table, and slides it towards me. Just by looking at it, I can tell it's about four or five sheets long.

"Everything you need to know is in that packet." Ethan says.

"And that is?" I ask.

"Just some minor guidelines and policies that you need to follow in order to make things run smoothly." Grayson says.

"Um..okay." I say.

"We'll reconvene in a day or so, so you can read over it and make sure that you're comfortable with everything ." Ethan says.

"Okay." I say.

"And next time we see you, we'll give you a tour of the house." Grayson says.

"Alright." I say.

"I'll see you out." Ethan says.

"We'll both see you out." Grayson says.

"Okay." I say.

I get up from the table, and let them lead the way. I can hear them talking, but they're talking so low that I can't hear what they're talking about. The only thing that they could be communicating about is me.

We reach the door, and I step between them. Ethan opens the door, and waves me goodbye. I walk out, and wave back.

"It was nice meeting you two." I say.

"It was nice meeting you too." They both say.

And with that I got back in my car and drove back to campus.


"They really want you to eat pineapples and strawberries on a daily basis." Candy says.

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