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"It's fucking you." He shouts.

Everyone in the restaurant looks at him, and so do I. His face is red, and the veins in his forehead are bulging out. I can feel his anger from across the table. I hate that he feels this way, but I know why he does.

He's been chasing after Candy for the longest time, and she likes someone else. And that someone else just so happens to be me. I do t like Candy like that, and I never will, but I don't want her to like Dimitri just because he would be her rebound.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"It ain't your fault. It's mine for knowing that shit and still falling for her like she was actually gonna like me back." He says.

"Dimitri, you're one of the coolest dudes I know. Like honestly, any girl would be lucky to have you and I'm not just saying this shit to make you feel better. I really mean it. And so what if Candy doesn't like you, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Just keep swimming." I say.

"Did you really just quote finding nemo?" He laughs.

"I'm trying to help you." I say.

"Well you helped." He says, smiling.

"Good." I say.


:Next Day:

"Beyoncé is mediocre."

I'm sitting in class, and  we're discussing pop culture and music. Somehow the class is now in a heated debate about Beyoncé and her career as an entertainer.

"Beyoncé has worked for everything she has. Yes, she may have started off in the industry with her father as her manager, but she dropped him and she continued to flourish. She's been nominated for several awards, and has taken home majority. She works her ass off as a entertainer and as a mother. She's a legend and your fave could never." I say.

"Well, I think she's overrated." Jill says.

"She's not. She's gone platinum multiple times, because she earned it. She revived country music. Like I said, your fave could never." I

"If she's so good, then why didn't she win album of the year?" She asks.

"She was snubbed. The Grammy's are systematically racist, and even though Adele wasn't doing much with her album she still won over Lemonade. Lemonade is a piece of cinematic gold. It represents the trials and tribulations of black women. Not to mention all the songs on that album were and still are bops. And name one person that can give a performance in a leaning chair while being pregnant. I'll wait." I say.

"Alright. Alright. This debate was very heated, but I think Erika takes the cake. Your argument was very good. Well done." Mr. Granger says.

I stick my tongue out at Jill, and she rolls her eyes. I look at the time on my phone, and class is almost over. I sigh in relief, but I know as soon as I leave class I have to meet the twins for my first day at "work".

"Okay. Don't forget about your test the next time I see you, and class is dismissed." He says.

Everyone packs their things, and so do I. I get up from my seat, and unlock my phone. I walk out of the classroom, but Mr. Granger calls me.

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