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I sit at my vanity, as I do my makeup. I do the finishing touches to my face, and look at myself. I smile, at the finished product and spray perfume on my clothes. I'm more nervous than I thought for this meeting with Ethan. I don't care if he doesn't like me, but I really need the money that he's offering me. 

Hopefully everything goes well, and I won't have to keep working two jobs. If this all goes well, I can also pay Dimitri back all the money he loaned me. I know he said it was fine if I didn't pay him back, but I can't walk around the earth knowing I owe someone.

I get up from the chair at the vanity, and walk to my closet to find my shoes. I grab a pair of white harrauches, to go with my jean shorts and orange crop top. I put a hat on, and a necklace that my grandmother gave me. It's a locket with her and my grandfather's picture, with a picture of myself in the middle.

I put my phone in my pocket, and walk out of my dorm. I lock the door, and walk down the hallway. As I leave out of the building, I see Marquis walking in. He smiles when he sees me, and turns around to walk with me.

"Wassup, Rik." He says.

"Nothing much. On my way to meet Ethan." I say.

"About that. I don't think you should do it. I mean, you don't know what this nigga might have planned. He might hurt you." He says.

"I can handle myself, bro. Plus, I'm stronger than you so I'm straight." I say.

"Since when is yo boney ass stronger than me?" He laughs.

"Since that time we arm wrestled and yo ass went flying off the table." I say

"Bro, that was one time." He says.

"One time is enough times." I say.

"Whatever, but like I was saying. Just be careful okay." He says.

"I will. I got this." I say.

"Man, take this just in case." He says, handing me a bottle of pepper spray.

"And what exactly am I supposed to to do with this shit? Pepper spray don't even work sometimes." I say.

"Just take he pepper spray and be thankful, Erika. Damn. You make shit so complicated." He says.

"Fine." I say, taking it out of his hand.

I stuff it in my purse, and zip it. I unlock my car, as Marquis stands behind me. I get in and he stoops down to the window. He rests his arms on the window sill of the car and begins to talk.

"Be careful, Erika. Between Candy and Dimitri you really one of my only friends. I don't need you coming up missing on some Get Out type shit." He says.

"I got it. Can I go now? I'm gonna be late." I say.

"Alright. Hit me up when you get back." He says.

"Okay." I say.

He backs away from the car,and I pull out of the parking space. I wave to him, as I drive out of the campus parking lot. I look in the rear view mirror and see him watching me leave. I continue to drive, and the sight of him becomes a memory.  

I remember that Ethan told me to bring him something. I pull into the parking lot of the nearest Walmart, and get out of my car. I walk into the superstore, and  walk through the isles. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and see that it's now 2:10. I have 20 minutes to make it to Ethan's house. I grab container of pineapples.

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