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I open the door, to my dorm and flop down on the bed. A long night of waitressing, can really tucker a gal out. Don't even get me started on all the rude people I have to deal with. 

People that complain about me not smiling enough or me having an attitude, and my favorite is I roll my eyes too much. Like come on now. If you had to work two jobs and bust your ass just to stay in college, then you would feel my pain. 

I wouldn't have to work all the time, if my parents would just accept me for who I am. They cut me off, and all because I like girls. There's nothing wrong with it, but good luck telling that to them. They both only care about themselves. 

I'm an only child,so you'd think they'd be more supportive. They threw me out on my ass the moment they found out. I mean, it's not my fault I had nudes on my phone from other girls. Is it?

Man, I need money. Between begging my grandparents and Dimitri lending me money from time to time, I'm sick of having to depend on people for the shit I need. The one thing I love to do is sing. I've been singing since I could talk, as my grandmother says. I'm majoring in performing arts, so I can launch my career as the next Beyoncé.

I lay down in the bed, as my eye lids start to get heavy. The warm embrace of the covers wrap around me. I can feel myself sinking more and more into the cozy sensation. 

I continue to sleep, then my alarm clock goes off. I groan, as the beeping sound snatches me away from my slumber. I get up from the bed and put on my clothes for class.

I pick out a pink crop top, light wash jeans, and white harrauches. I grab my black leather book bag, and swing it around my arm.(she took a bath earlier...don't be shook)

I walk out of my dorm, and get my phone out of my pocket as it start to vibrate. Marquis' picture pops up, and I smile. Marquis is like a brother, even though he likes me. But who wouldn't though?

I answer the phone, and hold it up to my ear.

"Wassup, Marquis." I say.

"Nothing much. What about you?" He asks.

"Boolin' to be honest. Walking to class." I say.

"Didn't yo ass just get off work?" He laughs.

"Yea. I'm tired as hell, but you know I need money so I can't quit even if I wanted  to." I say.

"Bruh, just ask Dimitri to hook you up. You know he throws around money like he at a strip club." He says.

"I'm tired of asking that nigga to plug me. I ain't no begging bitch." I say.

"Yea, but you are a broke bitch." He says.

"Look here nigga, I don't need yo ugly ass reading me." I laugh.

"Damn. Why I gotta be all that?" He asks.

"Cause you know it's true." I say.

"Whatever. I just wanted to see wassup. I talk to you later, b." He says.

"Alright." I say.

I pull the phone away from my ear, and hang up. I put the phone in my pocket, and continue to walk to class. I'm already 10 minutes late, but fuck it. As long as I show up, I'm good. I open the door, and everyone in the class room looks at me. I roll my eyes, and  sit down.

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