Chapter 2

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  Another chapter down. Just so you know this is an angsty story, so the romance will not happen right away.

Enjoy tho. (; Comment and Vote please for quicker updates !

  Louis sits anxiously at the desk, pen tapping against the top of the mahogany wood. It's the only sound that fills the room, aside from the shaky way he's breathing. There's a bunch of files loaded up on his desk for him to sort through, but his mind is miles away from the work he needs to do. Staring blankly ahead, he focuses on his glass of water, watching the condensation circle the rim and forming droplets that roll down. He follows each one until they create a puddle on top of his desk, probably staining the wood in a we ring. He's been told before that he needs coasters for his office, but he's been too arsed to do anything about it.

Today, Harry arrives home, which explains the nerves building up inside of Louis right now. The countdown is on to when they finally see each other again, and he is both dreadful and hesitant towards it. He thought he had until the concert at the end of the week to prepare for seeing his ex-boyfriend again, but that's not the case. A lot of hatred and resentment has built up in the three years that passed since they last spoke, and Louis is not sure he's ready to come to face with it all. Especially not sooner than expected.

Because of course the universe is not on his side. When news broke out that Harry is arriving home days before his final show, everyone started planning out the events of the week. And that included Louis participating as well, despite all the complaints he provided. His friends are excited to see Harry again, clearly not as bitter nor holding a grudge like Louis still is. The three years of silence and being completely abandoned don't seem to weigh so heavy on them. And like, that's fine. Whatever. Louis is sure that if he wasn't in love with the boy that he would get over it quick too. But that's not the case.

This is Harry, his ex boyfriend. His ex-lover. It's ridiculous that none of his friends have even stopped to consider how this reunion will be for him. He's the one who got left behind. He can't even fathom how this whole interaction is going to go down. They're either going to fight or not speak to each other at all. No in between. Louis can't see an in between because an in between means being friendly, acting like nothing happened, and he can't do that. Not when he was left with a broken heart for months.

Day one in town, and Louis is being dragged to a "Welcome Home" party hosted by Anne, Harry's mother. It's why his anxiety is at an all time high today. Why he can't get any work done. She thought it would be fun to have a get-together with all his childhood friends and be there when he arrives home for the first time in three years. Ideally, sounds like a fun surprise. Surely, Harry would enjoy getting to see his old friends and feel that sense of normalcy. But, why did Louis have to get invited? He's a part of the past that Harry clearly wants to forget, and being there just makes him feel like a fool.

Anne is sweet, and she's such a lovely woman. All the reason why Louis couldn't decline the offer in the first place, but this is not a good idea. Two exes in the same room after having an ambiguous break up can only lead to drama. She means well. Louis knows she does. And it has been three years. Maybe Anne is under a different impression on how things ended between the two of them. For all Louis' knows, she could think that everyone is on good terms - that they've been in contact this whole time since Harry left. Could be the reason why she invited Louis in the first place. She doesn't know the truth.

After spending a decent amount of time watching the water ruin the wood of the desk, Louis decides he needs to move. Or do something. Sitting and staring up until the point he needs to leave will only increase all the doubt running through his mind. He needs a distraction. Something that can draw his mind away to this inevitable reunion with his ex-boyfriend, but not anything that has to do with work. Work is the least of his worries at the moment.

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