Chapter 10

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Soooooooo, here's an update. Thank you for your patience. I hope this chapter is worth it. (:

Story is almost over sadly, but it can only get better from here.

Enjoy. Comment. Vote. Love.

It's all a motionless blur from the arena back to the hotel. Louis and Harry cling together like there is no room for separation. Thankfully, the driver had the partitioned pulled up to allow them the privacy they so graciously craved for. The whole ride over, they kiss, hands exploring over bodies, Harry seated in Louis' lap and Louis' hands holding tightly to his hips. It's desperate and heated, the way their mouths chase each other for the dire need to taste, to love, to savor.

They have the decency to walk through the hotel lobby without rushing to take clothes off. They're holding hands, tight and close as Harry leads them to the elevators. The driver remains behind, keeping watch, surveying that there are no lingering fans with phones or eyes. In the public eye, everyone assumes Harry is going out to celebrate tonight. The rumors of their club appearance had gotten around, and it worked out perfect for the two of them to sneak back to the hotel without getting noticed. They get a few suspicious eyes from the hotel employees around, more due to the fact that Harry's lips are swollen and cheeks flushed, Louis' shirt a disheveled mess along with his fringe flying all around different places.

When they make it to the safety of the elevator, Harry presses the top floor and then crowds Louis up against the wall. Wrapping his arms around his neck, he smiles, nudging in close, noses rubbing together as he hovers above his mouth. Louis' hands go to his back, like clock work, sneaking up underneath his shirt and pressing palms flat against his skin. Harry shivers at the touch, but he curves his body in to Louis' chest, nipping lightly at his bottom lip before kissing him slowly, licking into his mouth and whimpering when Louis' fingers dig into the meat of his back.

The elevator dinging draws them apart. Harry's all glossy eyed and pink cheeks as he watches the doors open up. The hallway is empty, and he grabs Louis' hand and pulls him towards his hotel room. Reaching for the key in his pocket, Louis pushes in close to his back, crowding up into his space and wrapping his arms around his tummy. He presses light kisses against his neck, tickling Harry with his breath. He ghost over his ear, nibbling on the sensitive skin there and smirking when Harry's breath shudders. It slows his attempt at opening the door, trembling hands and shaky knees, but he manages.

With the door open, Harry yanks Louis inside, shutting the door behind and turning around. Louis stands before him, eyes dark and blown wide, staring back at him as if he's ready to devour him. Harry hopes so. Its been three hears too long of being deprived of Louis' touch and love, and he wants to savor it all night long. Without hesitation, Harry's presses his hands against Louis' chest, backing him towards the bed. Louis goes easily, cock twitching in his jeans as his knees hit the bed. Sitting down on the edge of the mattress, he spreads his legs, an invitation for Harry to walk through.

Before he gets the chance to sit, Louis reaches out, fingers tangling with the button on his jeans. Harry steadies himself by holding on to Louis' shoulder, wiggling his legs free of the jeans and stepping out until he's only left in his briefs. He then helps Louis free himself of his clothes, starting with his jeans and then yanking the shirt over his head. Once he's fully naked, Harry steps forward again, crawling on to Louis lap, straddling him, body curving in to the touch of his warm hands to his back. Smiling, Harry leans in again slowly, their lips twisting together, slow and soft, moving in a way that they're most familiar with. Harry's fingers go back to Louis' hair, fingers curling and pulling tight, hips rocking down into the roll of Louis' hips thrusting up. It draws a moan from him, loud and deep, a desperate plea for something more.

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