Chapter 6

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I cannot seem to find the right words to express how proud I am of you. Things have been a little weird for the past week, but I want you to know that changes nothing about how much I love you. Because, I do Harry. So very much. You won the X-Factor, and you deserve all the amazing opportunities that follow it. This new future for you seems scary. I know I am quite scared, but I really think you should consider taking their offer. Going on tour and creating music like this is a once and a life time opportunity. I would hate for you to give that up when you have so much talent to give.

I know I haven't been myself, but that is only because I've been struggling on how to say this to you. In order for you to reach your full potential, I have to stop being selfish. I have to stop keeping you to myself and share you with the rest of the world. It seems scary that we're diverging on different paths, but I believe in you. I believe in us, and I believe accepting this tour will be the best thing to ever happen to you.

You're the love of my life, and I want you to always know that. Even when I am being a tit with not knowing how to voice my thoughts. I'm working on communicating better because when you go on tour, I'll have to make sure to keep up. This doesn't have to be the end for us. This is not a goodbye.

This is just the beginning to our dreams. So go. Take the tour. Go be the rockstar I know you can be. I'll still be here waiting on you. I'll be there right by your side as much as I can.

Love Always,


"No," Louis mutters, crumbling the piece of paper he had just written on. "This is utter shit." He tosses it into the mass pile that has formed near his rubbish bin.

Things have been different since Harry won the X-factor competition, and Louis knows it's partially his fault. Harry was offered a tour and a contract for winning the competition, and he wasn't convinced enough to accept it He's thought about turning it down and returning back to his old life as someone who sings at talent shows. Despite all the praise and fans that have built up since his first audition, Harry still doesn't see his potential in the music industry. Still so insecure and naive, so young and unsure what path he wants to go on.

It's been stressing Louis out. As much as it's been stressing Harry out. They haven't talked as much since Harry even first entered the competition, and now their words are strained because it's just a matter of what's going to happen following the win. It's not like they're arguing or fighting. It's more like they are struggling to talk to each other. Having this distance that's grown due to being on completely different schedules, and it's tough. Harry's being offered the world on a silver platter, and Louis is doing his best not to push Harry one way or the other.

As much as Louis would like for his boyfriend to stay home and not leave him behind, he knows this is a great opportunity. Harry is being offered a tour, an album, and a contract. He's being offered his dream, and who is Louis to keep that from him? He wants Harry to take. He wants Harry to pursue everything they spent late nights talking about. But he doesn't want to seem like he's trying to push Harry away. If their relationship was in a better place, then he would do it. But the competition lasted several months, meaning they haven't been together and their normal self for several months. They need that time back, but now their time is scarce.

How does one properly tell the love of their life that they need leave them behind to achieve their dreams? It's tough. It's hard. And Louis is still fighting with that inner demon inside of him that keeps telling him to not bother with it. To convince Harry to stay with him and that they'll find another way to get what they want together.

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