Chapter 11

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Okay so I may just jump to the epilogue after this chapter, which means this story is coming to an end. ):

Ps: It does get a little sensitive when Louis brings up a song, so please be cautious when reading. I don't want to offend or trigger anyone. Love all of you.

A towel is around Harry's waist as he steps out the wash room, body still coated in droplets of water. He uses a free towel to dry off his hair, walking towards the bed and sitting down on the mattress. Louis is still in there, drying off, freshening up. After their morning celebration, which followed their somewhat proposal, they showered together, washing off all their troubles of the past and pressing kisses of promises in to their bodies. Harry smiles at the memory of it, Louis' hands on him, rubbing soap into his skin and touching him softly.

Then, Harry remembers. Their friends are supposed to stop by the hotel this morning, following up the celebration from last night with a breakfast, just the lads. There were a slew of messages and missed calls on both their phones when they checked this morning, all asking where they ran off to and if they planned to join. They never followed up. They remained in the hotel last night together, laying in each other's warmth. Harry feels a little guilty about it. The club was his idea. He thought going out with his friends and getting drunk would be the perfect start to his timeless hiatus, but things didn't go as planned.

Fuck. Harry didn't even see his family after the show. Never hugged his mother or met up with Gemma. He completely ignored them all in favor of being with Louis. Everything after the show was such a blurry mess, mixed in with tears and happiness.

When Harry checks his phone again, there's another message, in line with all the other unanswered ones. This one, however, gets him on his feet.

"Louis, the lads are here."

There's something that clatters in the washroom before Louis rushes out, head out the doorway. "What?"

"I told you the guys wanted to stop by for breakfast. Remember?"

Louis purses his lips, glancing up and down Harry's slim and wet torso. "I got a bit side tracked, love. Can't blame me, really." Sighing, he steps into the room, walking up to the boy and wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling him in close. A smile graces his plump pink lips, and Louis leans in to kiss them. "They're a bit possessive, no? I've never been around them as much as I have this week. What possible more do they want with you?"

"Well," Harry sings out, giggling, hands resting against Louis' chest, fingers tickling with the small wisps of hair there. "Considering we ditched them last night, we probably owe them a breakfast." Louis makes a sound and leans in, lips pressing light kisses along Harry's neck. He blows a heavy breath out his nose in response. "But, we did have breakfast already. Sounds useless to go down there."

"So let's stay here. Naked. In bed."

"Louis," Harry whines as he collapse against his body, nosing along the dip in his neck. "Come on. Get dressed. They're waiting."

It takes much reluctance and lots of groaning, but Louis does comply. They've spent the better part of the night and early morning tangled in each other's bodies. It's only a matter of time before they need to civilize with their friends, who they so graciously ditched the night prior. It's the least he can do. Get dressed. Accompany them downstairs. Spend a few hours chattering, then willfully drag Harry back into the room. Maybe back to his own apartment, show him London now in his eyes.

Louis presses a kiss to the top of Harry's head and walks over to his clothes thrown on the floor. It's not ideal for him to put the same outfit on for the third time in less than twenty four hours, but well, here he is.

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