Chapter 4

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Life with Harry back in town is different. Unusual. Strange.

Louis expected to only see Harry whenever the concert took place. Figured they would meet with him after the show for a celebration or meet up with him beforehand. He's not too sure what was supposed to happen. Possibly back stage passes that he could attempt to skip out on. He's going to the show, that's about as much as he thought he was giving when he reluctantly agreed to going. But, well, things changed. The plans for the week changed.

They had a welcome home celebration at Anne's house, and that went ... well, it went. Louis was the first to leave, a bit dramatically too after Harry's poor attempt at making conversation with him. Louis assumed after all the spiral of events for the evening, everyone would stopping with their attempts to have him be friendly. But alas, that is not the case. It's seems like now, including him, they have plans with Harry every single day leading up to the concert, and Louis is expected to be there each time. His friends didn't even give him an opportunity to decline or find a lame excuse. They just assumed he would be there. Assumed he's fine to be around Harry like there's no resentment still lingering inside him.

So the morning after Harry's arrival, Louis is getting a text from the lads. A message that's talking about having a barbecue at Liam's house and having a day where they all hang out together without Harry's parents in the other room. They want to drink properly together and have a night in with Harry. Kind of like old times. Except without having adult supervision. And Louis is terrible at saying no. He doesn't want to make his friends upset, and he doesn't want to make how he's feeling towards Harry a thing. The less their friends question and interrogate him about his relationship with Harry, the sooner he can get past all of it.

It's just one week. A few more days, and then he will never have to see Harry again.

Pushing all his doubts to the side, Louis eventually heads over to Liam and Sophia's town home. He's about an hour late already, but it's probably best to limit the amount of time he and Harry are in the same room. With how their conversation ended yesterday, there's nothing left about their relationship that can work out in a friendly manner. Harry tried it. Louis brushed it off. And now they're on day two of being around each other. Louis wonders if there will be another attempt today. He's still annoyed that Harry only wanted to talk to catch up, not to explain why he left in the first place. That was his one shot for redemption in Louis' eyes, and he missed it.

Louis knocks three times when he arrives. On his way over, he stopped at the local bakery to grab a carton of cupcakes. It was the only thing Sophia had asked him to bring since the food and drinks were already handled. He didn't think much of it as he got an assortment of different flavors. Since he showed up late to the party, it was the least he could do. Even if the local bakery so happened to be the same one Harry used to work at. He really didn't think that one through. Hopefully, no one makes a comment about it. It's really not a big deal.

The door opens shortly after, and the welcoming smile on Louis' face slips off when Harry is the one who answers.

"Hello," he says hesitantly, stomach churning.

His luck seems to be wearing thin at this point.

Harry smiles tightly, his attempt at being friendly and neutral. He pushes the door further open and steps aside for Louis to walk in. "Hi," he responds quietly. His eyes trail over to the carton in Louis' hands. "You brought cupcakes?"

"Sophia asked me to grab them." Louis steps inside and continues to walk through the house, leaving Harry behind at the front door. It's a tad rude, not attempting to greet him and be welcoming. But, they're exes. Louis doesn't know anyone who wants to act friendly to someone who broke their heart.

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