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Here is the last chapter to the book. I hope you enjoyed every part of it. This is one of my favorite books because it was so easy to right.

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The hiatus, it's definitely been quite the journey. One that did not start off too well but has blossomed into something amazing. Something wonderful. Harry and Louis are married now. Barely lasting months of simply being fiancés before they took matters in to their own hands. Some might say it's too forward. Maybe too fast when they have too much to work on. But ... semantics. They did it on their terms and when it felt right to them.

Meaning, they got married when least expected. Like they originally planned, they eloped. Without telling anyone at first. Shortly after Harry went on break, they booked a flight out to Jamaica, intending to spend weeks there forgetting about the world and putting all their troubles in the past. That was a problem for another day. It was three nights in when they ran off to do it, after dancing together under the moonlight and exchanging soft kisses along the sea side. Their marriage was inevitable.

Sun kissed under the Caribbean sun and burnt skin warmed into a nice golden tan. Harry had a flower crown atop his head, pinks and yellows that complemented the white outfit he wore. Toes in the sand. A swift breeze blowing by. The sun was just setting, lovely hues of orange and blue painting the sky in a creation of art, two colors blurring together, mixing, two hearts becoming one. Their wedding was everything it could possible be dreamed of. Everything they ever wanted.

However, the eloping matter of it all wasn't much appreciated when they informed their friends and family. It happened after they exchanged rings and promised their vows. They definitely got an earful from everyone on the phone call. From their parents, siblings, and friends. All of them definitely had something to say. The wedding they had all been waiting for, since they were children honestly, they didn't get to be a part of. Again, semantics.

In the end, they were happy nonetheless. Although they expressed their sadness for not being a part of such a wonderful day, they had their best wishes. Sent lots of gifts. Then threw a grand celebration once they got back to London. It was sort of like getting married all over again when they had a party with the lot of them, but for fun, no stress, for show with their friends and family. It's definitely been quite the time since the hiatus started.

Now they're back home, residing in Louis' apartment together. Harry had very easily moved all his necessities into Louis' place and sold a couple of homes that he bought across the world. They plan to look for another place within the year, at least once Louis' new label has taken off and found its footing. They're husbands now. Married. Holding the key to each other's heart. Every moment since they rekindled has been an ongoing process of building their relationship and growing closer to one another. They're constantly working on things, practicing ways to better communicate and never lose the control on their relationship.

Harry's been writing. Working on finding himself and expressing words on his own terms. As of now, he's free. No label. No contract. No record to put out. He's doing things he wants to do. Getting help on things that have been holding him back and working towards a better self to love. Louis there with him, at every step. Either being support of Harry's personal growth or being right alongside him as they become stronger husbands together.

When Louis' not doing that, he's building his empire. His label. Everything he's been working towards since he first stepped foot in London Records is now finally coming to a head. Harry's hiatus has really helped him on that too, having the ever so supportive and useful husband right there by his aid. He's already transferring a few artist that he worked with at his old label, those who were at the end of their contract with London Records and looking to seek new adventures. There's also a few he's scavenged throughout London, new and upcoming acts that he's went out and watched at dive bars and local shows with Harry by his side.

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