Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I stare out the frosted windows of the train, the midst of District 12 in the distance. I quietly trace the intricate designs on the red leather seats. There's a plentiful assortment of delicacies on the big mahogany table, but I'm too anxious to eat anything.

I don't know what horrors await me in the Capital, but I'm in no rush to find out.

I can still see my mothers paled face quivering at our goodbyes. I just had to keep reminding myself that I'd be coming back. This isn't the games, although it feels the exact same way.

A Capital woman appears around evening with a dinner prepared for me. She's dressed head to toe in white fur. Her skin is died a sickly yellow, and her entire face is covered in tattoos. Capital styles will never cease to amaze me.

I thank her, but all I get is a stifled whimper, and she storms out of the room. I stare down at the mysterious green liquid in front of me. It reminds me of soup, but tastes like several different greens found in our garden. I finish it quickly, as my hunger has finally gotten to me.

Once I'm finished, I head into the room prepared for me and lock the door behind me. I'm very paranoid since Snow is on the same train as I am. I'm immediately awestruck. A soft grey wallpaper covers the walls. Thick midnight blue curtains drape over the window. Most of the space is taken up by the biggest bed I've ever seen. It's as big as my entire bedroom back home.

I don't even bother changing as I climb under it's big covers. I feel like I could just drift away.

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