Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

I suck in my breath as I see those snake eyes staring at me. It makes me shudder.

"Primrose," my mother croaks. I can tell that she's trying to be cheerful. It isn't working. "President Snow has some exciting news." My eyes focus on him. What more can he possibly do to our family.

"Mrs. Everdeen," he says to my mother, "Would mind preparing me some of your delicious homemade cookies?"

He doesn't even need to ask her, she's gone so quickly.

"Did you hurt yourself, dear?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I look down at the blood trickling past my leg and onto the floor.

"I fell," I say blankly.

"And how did this occur?" He says slyly.

"I was walking back from the square," Is respond cooly.

"Now Primrose, there is no need to lie to me," he chuckles darkly. "I know that you've been in the woods."

My heart stops and feel my body frozen with fear.

"Remember dear," he says, almost whispering, "I've got eyes everywhere."

My stomach twists and I look at the floor.

"The question is," he smiles, "How did you escape the electric fence? I thought for sure it would kill you."

"Well, with all due respect sir, you thought wrong," I respond, smirking ever so slightly.

"Ah," he says, and then pauses before continuing with, "You're more clever than I thought, you'd have done so well in the games. Pity your sister had to volunteer."

I stand there, uncomfortable with the thought. Its something that's troubled me for some time. Wondering what would've happened had I gone into the games.

Sometimes I wish that I'd gone in, and died like I was supposed too. But I know now that the rebellion had to happen.

"Anyways," he speaks up, "Now for the purpose of my visit."

I take in a nervous breath of air.

"I'd like to invite you, as you are a big deal in the capital right now, to come to the capital for some time," he says with a dangerous spark in his eyes.

"And what exactly will I do there?" I reply testily.

"That my dear is for me to know, and you to find out."

I glance back at my mother. She's biting her lip and her face is now a ghostly white. I can tell she's trying to send me a reassuring smile.

"Well what are we standing around for?" he chuckles. " Let's Go!"

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