Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

"No survivors were detected in 12."

The words still stung in my ears.

I'd tried to face them. I knew it was reality, but none the less, I couldn't accept it. I couldn't accept that the mayor, Kate, the Mellarks, the Hawthorne's ... Rory, they were all gone.

It'd been 3 days since I'd arrived in 13.

I'd tried to go see Katniss, but been forbidden because of her "fragile medical condition."

Normally by now I would've broken that rule and gone up anyways, but I'd been caught each time I tried. It was weird how much harder it was to rebel in the rebel district, than it was in 12.

I look around my empty room. That's what it is here. It's too small to be a house, and even if it wasn't, it's far from being my home.

I glance over at the bed opposite of mine. The sheets are neatly tucked in to the edge and I know my mom has already started her shift at the hospital.

It's crazy how packed it is with patients. The people of 13 had enough patients as it was, but now that we're all here from the bombings, it's gotten worse.

My mom and I commented on it on one of our first days here, and the head nurse explained that this was nothing compared to 13's epidemic a few years back.

That's why there are hardly any children here. It effected them the most.

Even President Coin lost her family. I don't know what the rebels would've done had she died too.

I glanced at my wrist on my way to the dining hall, reading 6:48.

As I passed a few security guards at the entrance, my daily schedule was injected into my arm.

My first "activity" was at 8:00, and my last read 15:00. I'd probably end up
skipping like I usually did. Just going and helping at the hospital. Attempting to see Katniss.

I sat by Gale, who was already eating.

I pulled out my chair and set down my bowl of oatmeal or something.

I can never really tell what they're serving here, but it's better than 12. At least we're all eating now.

"Have you seen Katniss, yet?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he says blankly. "I went by last night, she's walking around and stuff now." He takes another bite of whatever's in that bowl, and focuses back in the TV as if it's no big deal.

It makes me mad how unfocused he is.

And that he got to see my sister before me.

And that he doesn't even seem to care.

I don't know if I just haven't had enough sleep, or if I really was this mad, but I threw my spoon on the floor and stomped out the dining halls swinging doors.

I ignore everyone's stares and whispers as I march down the hallway and up the 2 flights of stairs to the hospital.

My hands are in fists and I'm already so filled with anger, that nobody had better try keeping me from my sister.

I open one of the side doors, to be less obvious, and I start my way down the aisle.

I can see Finnick in his room playing with that piece of rope again.

I asked someone about it one time, and since they said it was a coping mechanism, I figured I had better ignore it.

Next is the room that's supposed to be for Johanna, but I wouldn't know because I haven't see her yet. I can tell it's hers though, from the "special", removable bars near the bed.

Next is the room for Peeta. The dark curtains are over the window so I can't see inside.

I wonder why he hasn't come out yet?

It's really odd for him to be so unfriendly like this.

I bet he's visited Katniss, though.


Her room is the very last one.

I stare through the small window at the door, and realize she is alone in there.

She's sitting up and her fingers move around the small pearl she received in the quarter quell.

I look around the hallway to make sure no nurses are about to turn.

When the door handle proves to be unlocked I suck in my breath. Success.

I walk in and stand still for a moment, frozen with joy.

She turns around, and her smile is so big. It's like she never left.

I run to her and give her a huge hug. It feels so good to have her here.

"What took you so long, little duck?" Her voice cracks.

I can already tell something about her us different.

There's something missing as I look into her eyes.

"Katniss?" I begin, with a worried face.

"What is it?" She says softly, returning the nervous expression.

"Katniss," I start to trail off, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Prim!" She assures me. "Why do you ask.

"Katniss, stop." I say. "You don't need to lie to me. I can tell when something's wrong."

She sucks in a sharp breath and her voice begins to quiver. "It''s Peeta, Prim, he... h... he...he's gone."


I shake my head in disbelief.

She's lying.

She has to be lying to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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