Michael's POV

I left Sabree's house calmly trying to control my anger the best I could.

She didn't understand how bad I needed her in my life.

Even after I explained to her she still didn't get it.

She thought I was dangerous.

Well I am but I would never do anything to hurt her or let anyone hurt her for that matter.

She just didn't get it.

But she would soon.

Very soon.

I walked all the way to my house where the boys were all waiting for me.

"Alright boys we've got some planning to do." I said clapping my hands as I walked in.

They all looked up at me in confusion.

"What are we planning?" Calum asked.

"Sabree doesn't understand how bad I need her." I said slowly sitting down.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

I don't know how it would make her want me.

But then again it might it just might.

Ignoring my annoying conscience I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

"There's only one thing left to do." I said smiling.

The boys immediately knew what I meant and they all smirked.

"Let's get to work." Ashton said standing up gesturing for us to follow him.

Sabree here I come.

Sabree's POV

After a long day of doing nothing it was finally time to go to sleep.

Part of me regretted sending Michael home.

Even though it was Michael I would rather he be here then being here all alone.

I've spent all day in this stupid house trying to figure out what to do.

Was my brain right?

Was Michael bad for me?

Or was my heart right?

Was he just what I need?

I had no idea, and it was slowly driving me insane.

If I see those beautiful green eyes again I might just lose it.

I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.

I found myself dreaming about him.

The way his green eyes would sparkle when he smiled.

The way his skin gleamed in the sunlight.

The way his lips felt on mine.

Everything about him was so fucking addicting.

Suddenly I could hear my name being called.

For a minute I thought I was dreaming until I realized that someone was shaking me.

I groaned and forced my eyes open only to meet the ones I had just been dreaming about.


"Hey." He said casually.

"First of all what are you doing here? Second of all how the hell did you even get in?"

I was confused yet I couldn't help but smile a little happy that he was here.

He smirked and picked me up off the bed with ease throwing me over his shoulder.

"Where are you taking me exactly?" I asked as he continued to walk down the stairs and out the door.

I then saw the other boys waiting outside for him.

"Don't worry Sabree we're just going to my place."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he sat me down in front of his car.

"Why?" I asked annoyed that he just took me out of my house more specifically the warmth of my bed.

"So that you realize that I need you."

He whispered bending down to my ear his lips grazing over it instantly sending shivers down my spine.

My eyes widened as I looked up at him looking down at me.

But suddenly I forgot everything and became mesmerized by his eyes.

I caught myself though and shook my head.

He picked me up bridal style and put me in the front seat buckling my seatbelt before jogging around to the drivers side.

"Couldn't you of just asked me to come with you?" I asked crossing my arms and looking out the window.

"Would you have?"

He had a good point.

At this point I didn't know if I would or wouldn't.

Goddamnit it's the stupid thing with my heart and my brain.

I looked over at him driving and studied his features.

The way his veins popped out when he turned the steering wheel.

I looked up at his eyes and saw him glance over at me still waiting for my answer.

But I didn't even know the answer.

I didn't have time to answer though thank god, because soon Luke, Calum, and Ashton had started arguing about something in the back and Michael seemed to forget about it.

A smiled crepted it's way onto my face but I ignored it as well as the three idiotic boys fighting in the back and the beautiful boy sitting right beside me.

What do you think should be Sabree and Michael's ship name?
Sachael? I don't even know how you would pronounce this one.
Help me people I may be the captain of this ship but I don't know how to drive it and it's sinking fast.
Oh wait I got it you guys.
Sorry Fault in our stars reference I had to do it I saw the chance and I ran with it. Just kidding I don't run.
Sorry for that I'm a little bit of a dork.
Oohh speaking of has anyone read the mortal instruments???
And seen the movie??
And watched the show??
Because I looovvveeee it.
Also I've been wanting to read a different series so do you guys have any ideas?
Thanksss for reading love you all.
/Peace my people/

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