Michael's POV

I know I know what I did was definitely a dick move but I couldn't help myself.
I needed her so I did what any other person would, I took her.

I looked over at her in the passenger seat and noticed she had fallen asleep with a cute little smile on her face.

Man I could get used to this.

A few minutes later we pulled into the driveway.

The boys got out and walked inside waiting for me.

I jogged over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door quietly being careful not to wake her up.

I unbuckled her seatbelt and scooped her into my arms holding her tight.

I walked through the door and Ashton shut it behind me.

I motioned to the boys that I was taking her to bed and they nodded and resumed doing whatever they were doing.

I walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door kicking it shut behind me.

I put her down on the bed gently and covered her up.

I quickly changed into a pair of grey sweats and took my shirt off climbing into bed next to her.

I pulled her close to me and she moved slightly whispering words I couldn't understand.

I chucked lightly and smiled playing with her hair.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead and leaned down to her ear.

"I've got you."

She moved slightly once again before going back to being perfectly still.

For the first time in a long time I don't feel lonely.

And I never want whatever I'm feeling to go away.


Sun cracked through the window and hit my face making me squint my eyes.

I groaned and rolled over going to wrap my arms around Sabree only to find an empty bed.


I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs into the living room.

"Luke, Ashton, Calum get your lazy asses up we have an emergency and if your not up in 2 minutes I'll-"

I was cut off as I walked into the kitchen to find Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Sabree all eating breakfast and laughing at me.

I ran over to Sabree and wrapped her in my arms.

"Fucking Christ don't do that to me." I said laughing.

She scrunched her nose and pushed me away from her.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked poking her cheek.

She swatted my hand away and continued to ignore me.

"She's mad at you." Luke says.

Thank you captain obvious.

"Why?" I ask looking around at everyone and stealing a waffle off of Ashton's plate.

"Cause you took her." Calum said taking a drink of his orange juice.

"You guys helped and she's not mad at you though." I said whining.

"Yeah we helped you thought of the whole thing so therefore she's not mad at us and she loves us." Ashton says laughing and nudging her arm.

The Only Reason(Michael Gordon Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now