Sabree's POV

I woke up as the sun cracked through the curtains and looked around realizing I wasn't in my room.

Then I remembered everything that happened last night and rolled over to find a sleeping Michael laying next to me.

His arm was around my waist and his head was buried in the crook of my neck and I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him.

I closed my eyes again only to open them seconds later.

Shit I have work today.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone off of the bedside table.

Kevin had text and ask me if I was coming into work and if I was alright.

I text him back and said yes cause I knew if I didn't he would go crazy and end up calling police because he thought I was kid napped.

Oh wait.

I kinda was kidnapped.

I turned over to look at Michael again and he was still sleeping soundly.

He's gonna be pissed but I can't miss work.

Slowly I untangled my self from him and the covers and got out of bed.

I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and walking out of the room.

Hoping the boys weren't here I tip toed down the hallway and into the living room.

I slipped on my shoes as quietly as possible and opened the front door.

I slipped out and gently shut it behind me.

Without a second thought I took off back towards my house and got there five minutes later.

I showered, fixed my hair, and got dressed in record time before leaving the house making sure to lock the door behind me.

I walked through the doors at work not long later and Kevin immediately hugged me.

"Where have you been missy?" He said sassily with his hands on his hips and pointing a finger at me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him to put my stuff away.

"Michael's." I mumble quietly.

He smirks, "That actually doesn't surprise me."

I laughed lightly and was about to explain everything that happened to him when I realized I couldn't.

Michael took me.

I mean yeah I was pissed bud after talking to him and everything that happened it was fine but still.

If I told Kevin that he would freak.

The thought of Michael sent shivers down my spine.

Surely he would understand that I had to leave, I mean I have to keep my job.

I expected him to walk in as soon as I stepped foot into the dining area but he never did.

I found myself looking at the door every time it jingled signaling someone was here cause I just knew it would be him but it never was.

Maybe he didn't mean all of those things he said to me.

With that thought I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and I went into the bathroom to try to calm myself down.

Finally after my shift was over, Kevin and I did our usual routine except for this time we both walked to my house cause he was coming to stay the night.

I know it sounds weird but he's gay, plus he's my best friend and he always spends the night at my house or I spend the night at his.

When we got home we both went to bed, him sleeping in the guest bedroom and me in mine of course, cause we were both so tired from work.

As I went to bed though I couldn't help but think about Michael.

Every noise I heard I expected it to be him but it never was.

It kinda hurt.

He hasn't came to see me or even tried to contact me to ask me if I was ok or where I went.

Actually come to think of it, it didn't kinda hurt, it hurt really fucking bad.

I almost felt sorry for my pillow because it was soaked from my tears that were freely streaming down my face.

Eventually I stopped crying and fell asleep only to wake up an hour or so later thinking that I had heard Michael.

God he wouldn't leave my head.

But it's not like I wanted him to.

9 chapters down, I have no idea how many more to go.
I'm basically going with the flow and depending on what happens depends on how many chapters it has.
Not sure if I want to write a sequel to it or not so that's a thing too.
What do you guys think?
Earlier I was walking through the kitchen and I hit my hip on the corner of the counter and I'm being serious when I say I literally went to the ground.
I literally hate doing that anyone else?
Also I thought it would be cool to do an authors note at the end of every chapter so I could talk to you guys and ask how you liked it and stuff but if you guys don't wanna read it it's fine just skip over and continue reading.
I'm still gonna do the note at the end of every chapter though but I'm not gonna make you read it I mean I can't anyways but you know what I mean.
/Peace my people/

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