The Wild Kelpies

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Sophie and her friends were excited. Today they would get a break from the Black Swan and Neverseen. Juline, Dex's mom was taking the to the beach in Gloaming Valley. They were going so they could see the wild kelpies come ashore Biana was the most exciting out of all of them.

"I'm so excited to see the kelpies come ashore!!!" Biana said for the 27th time. ( Sophie had been counting) 

"Well I'm not THAT excited but, it beats sitting and trying to find out stuff about the Neverseen even though we can find out literally nothing." Keefe said. He was the least excited out of all of them.

"OK guys so today we are going to try and forget about the Blacks Swan and the Neverseen. Today is our day for fun. So just to check does everyone have the bathing suits on under their clothes?" Sophie asked them.

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Then they were getting closer to the beach. 

When they got there they all Remo their clothes to reve their bathing suits. Then Sophie lifted Keefe using her telikenisis and dropped him in the cold water. 

"Foster!!!!! Why must you be so mean to me?" Keefe exclaimed. Thanks he patted his hair and screamed. "Foster you ruined my hair!!!!" 

Everyone except Keefe started laughing hard then they had in a while. Tam was practically on the ground and crying from laughing so much. 

Then everyone else got in the water. They somehow figured out how to play Base Quest in the water(A\N IDK why and how but they had to do something didn't they?) But, after a while after the girls had won 17 times they stopped because they were exausted. 

So they went to eat the picnic lunch Juline had brought with them. When they were all stuffed and full. Juline pulled out mallowmelt even though they were all full, they each had 1 peice.

"OK guys now don't get back in the water the kelpies will be here soon and if you get in you might scare away and then our trip here would be kinda pointless." Juline reminded them. 

"OK I want to see those kelpies so bad my mom said that they are magnificent and beautiful." Biana said souning like Jensi when he had a busy of sugar for breakfast.

They had to wait about 1 hour. But when the kelpies did come ashore it was beautiful. The colorful kelpies came ashore. All of their mouths gaped open. The blues, purple's, pinks, greens, and reds made the kelpies look like a rainbow that was constantly shift order.

"Mom was right it's so beautiful and magnificent." Biana said in a hushed tone.

"Woah, dude even I think it's beautiful." Keefe said.

"It's like a gift from the water like it knows we are in a tough time so it's giving us something to help us relax." Linh said in an amazed tone.

"It's​ even more beautiful then the remodel of Eternalia times 10." Fitz noted

"Eh it ok I mean like it's pretty but I've seen more pretty." Tam said in a kind of disgusted/ dreamy tone.

"I've​ seen it so much it's kind of boring by now like I liked it the first few times but now it's just boring." Dex said in a flat tone.

"I think that the sparkles really contribute to the beauty. The sparkles kinda makes it a shirt rainbow instead of a normal rainbow. Sparkles make everything better." Sophie said. She had been studying the scene and she was telling the truth the sparkles really DID contribute to the beauty of the scene.

When the kelpies went back out further to sea, the all started to walk back to Rimeshire. Once they got there, they all used the leapmaster to go to their separate homes.

When Sophie got home, she went to her room. After a while her imparter buzzed. Teirgen ( did I spell that right?) was hailing her.

"Hello Sophie it's nice to see you I heard you and your friends went to the beach. Was it fun? What did you do?" He asked her

"Stop stalling and I know you are why did you REALLY hail me you never hail me so, why now? Sophie demanded.

"Well the me and the Collective have decided that it is time that we tell you who your genetic parents are." Teirgen said quickly.

"Finally! When?" She said practically​ shouting

"We are still deciding on that we will tell you the time we decided when we come to a decision." Teirgen said. The expression on his face was hesitant like he wanted to tell her but he was scared to.

Then his face faded from veiw so Sophie put her imparter away and went to sleep. But before she drifted off to sleep, one thought was going through her head on auto repeat the thought was, who are my genetic parents and why was The so nervous?

A/N So that was the first chapter of my story :)! I know it's little boring, but I need like an intro chapter. Also this is my first fanfic so constructive criticism is appreciated!!! Please communicate he you speak Teirgen I'm no clue!! Also please don't hate on me since this chapter was boring!
Disclaimer: I do not own KOTLC

Melonie Sencen

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