For the First time in... never

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I was tagged by MingMe so I have to list thirteen facts about myself.

1. I am going into 6th grade

2. I read the whole Harry Potter series in the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade

3. Percy Jackson was the series that got me into fandoms

4. I can read 255 words a minute. (Last time I was tested)

5. I am the only one in my family who enjoys reading.

6. I watched the Percy Jackson and Harry Potter movies before I read the books.

7. I read multiple books at once

8. I am the only one out of my large group of friends that is in any fandoms.

9. I am very good in all subjects.

10. I hate editing and revising my writing.

11. My favorite subject is reading. Least favorite is Social Studies.

12. Once a teacher was teaching is decimal devsion strategies and I showed him a way easier one.

13. I am terrified of snakes more than anything.

I tag






This was my first time e ever getting tagged and please tag me more!

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