Girl Talk gone very very very wrong

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Hello! Thank you guys so much for reading voting and commenting this story! This story already has 44 reads and it's only been up a few hours!

This chapter is dedicated to Awesome_Girl_279, ConnorJcRickyGirl, and NuelaChik for their OC chatecters! Let's give them a round of applause *applauds*

Disclaimer: I do not own KOTLC

When Sophie and Linh woke up the next day, they ate breakfast (I know the Neverseen are still around but they are recovering from the Lumenaria) then they went up to Soph- sorry their room.
"Ok now for boy talk." Linh said while sitting on Sophie's bed.
"Fine." Sophie said.
In truth Sophie really wanted to tell someone about her crush on Fitz. Not telling anyone was a huge wait on her shoulders.
"Just don't tell anyone not even Biana." Sophie told her in a warning tone. (Just because we all know Biana would tell the world except Fitz even though he would still be oblivious but Keefe would find out and Keefe would you know what I mean)
"Ok deal so, who's first?" Linh asked
"Ok fiiiiiiiine."
"I like..."
Ok so now imagine Grady sitting outside the door eavesdropping on them.
"I like Dex."
"Knew it!"
"Ok so who do you like?"
"I like Fitz."
Then Grady burst into the room. Just imagine Linh and Sophie's faces they are horrified and their faces... I'm laughing so hard right now.
"I knew you were lying that day a gave you the boy talk! He yelled, pointing at Sophie.
"So what if I was?" Sophie asked.
"Um... I'm just gonna go and help the boys." Linh said awkwardly while running out of the room.
"You were still lying."
"Dad! This is my love life and it took so much courage to just tell Linh!"
"And I never said you two could have a love life!"
"You said that you know that feelings happen so yeah!"
Ok now imagine Linh, Tam, Keefe, and Edaline eavesdropping.
"Yeah but you lied to me!"
" Whenever I've lied to you, you have never yelled at me this much!"
"Whenever you lied to me before it wasn't something this serious!"
"I lied to you and went to go see Keefe before! I lied and went to see Oralie before!"
"Sophie just SHUT UP! I am the one talking! Not you!"
Then Sophie burst into tears.
"Why are you being this mean? You have never been this mean over something so silly! You are a lier!"
"Why are you such a rude, misbehaving daughter!"
Then Edaline burst into the room.
"Grady stop! I have never seen you be so mean!"
"Fine then I guess I don't have to lie anymore!"
That's when Keefe, Tam, and Linh ran in.
" Lie about what? They all yelled.
Then he walked out and came back in holding a black cloak (everyone is going to hate me now) and on the sleeve was the white symbol of the Neverseen.
Everyone was screaming at him Sophie ran up to him and started sucker punching him Tam was doing nothing and so was Keefe since he was just mesmerizing the girls into stopping. Then he pulled out a red leaping crystal and leaped away.

Did I mention that you are all going to hate me? Please don't hate on me! This contributes to the story! And this is the part where the Neverseen come in. I hope that this DOES NOT happen in Nightfall but, it's kinda fun to write but anyway, I know a lot of you probably want some Sophitz but don't worry it's coming soon maybe I have ZERO plans for this story all I know is Sophitz will happen. Other ships IDK.

Anyways the OC contest is over.

Don't hate me!

*Hides in corner to hide from the wrath of readers*

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