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this morning as I awoke I had a major headache and felt ill, even though I didn't drink it was all the other bands sept ours. I turned on my laptop to check on Facebook and Twitter when suddenly my Skype comes up and scares the hell out of me. I answered the call to then see my lovely family : my mum, my step dad Andy, Carl, Holly and Bethany my brother and sisters "Hey Steph" they all said. After talking for ages I felt light on my face then someone lie down next to me "hey Ash its weird not hearing you play your bass early in the morning now" My mum said laughing "yeah I miss you all its weird not seeing you every day" he laughed. Eventually my family had to leave so we said oir goodbyes and I turned off Skype, I then got a text message from my mum saying 'Ash told me you gad a boyfriend but I didn't want to ask you around everyone so who is he, can I trust him and do I know him' I giggled 'obviously Ash would tell. Yes I have a boyfriend, you can trust him and yes you know him' I replied when straight away I got a text back 'WHO IS HE' Causing me to giggle again "what you laughing at" Andy asked opening my bunk and laying down next to me "my mum" I giggled "why are you laughing at your mum" he asked and I passed him my phone when suddenly mum text back, Andy burst out laughing "you've liked me since you met me, why didn't you tell me" he asked the second half more sternly "nerves and Ash pressuring me to ask" Andy smiled, handed me back my phone and kissed the top of my head. After Andy left I got over run by texts:

ben: hey sis wat u ^ 2

me: hey bro nm u

b: sound check wanna come down Andy said ur homesick

s: yh be down in a bit byee

b: byeeeeeee stephanoodle

I then got a text from Tay

T: u going to front stage to see AA

S: yh u wanna come

T: yh sure got nothing else to do

S: cool meet u outside

I then answered the text from my mum telling her I was of to watch a show which she replied have fun. I then grabbed my jacket and black vans and ran out the bus "hey ready" Tay asked then she grabbed my hand and dragged us to the stage "is anything going on between you and Alex , Tay" I asked "no we're like brother and sister. but can I tell you something" she asked just as we were about to get to ben "yeah sure whats up" I replied then got grabbed by ben into a hug "hey sis" he shouted "I'll tell you later" she whispered and walked over to Danny who was getting some water from the ice box. I wonder whats up with her.

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