the mysterious girl

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After the Asking concert, me,Tay and Ben went of to the McDonald's down the road. when we were walking a bunch of people came running up to us recognising Tay and Ben, I was about to walk of when someone tapped me on the shoulder "Are You Steph Slayer" a girl about 13 was standing there, I nodded "how do you know who I am" I asked her "oh I watch your YouTube videos all the time and I see pictures of you and Andy or you and Ash on Twitter all the time" I smiled "oh remind me to kill them both when I get back to their bus, oh and whats your name?" I said making her giggle "I'm luna and please don't kill them" "why not" I said joking around "because then you'll go to prison and won't be able to make videos" she said shyly "I've watched you since day one and you've saved my life multiple times" all I could do was look at her in disbelief "I thought people only watched my videos cause the guys are in them a lot" "no I watched them all the time, oh and I wrote this pome for you" "how did you know I was walking to McDonalds" I asked as I was scared she was a crazy stalker "I new you were going to McDonald's as Ben posted it on twitter. And my foster dad bought me here as he thought I had to give you this pome as he cried about it" she handed me the pome and as I read through I felt tears filling up in the bottom of my eyes. It said 'There's a cold dark cornerin the back of my room,

it speaks to meand says I'm coming for you.

As I lie on my bed

in the fetal position,

my eyes are closed

hoping and wishing.

Maybe that one day

my dreams will come true

,that I don't have to be here

so down and blue.

The corner keeps talking

About how I'm going to die,

all I can do is lie there and cry.As the corner gets closer

and takes me in,

my soul starts to burn as so does my skin

But there's hope

I get hope watching the videos you post

Making me smile everyday

You saved me so don't ever go away' by the end I was welling up "that's beautiful can I keep this so I can talk about it in a video and here this is my phone number call me if you ever just want to chat" I said and she smiled and nodded "I better be going my foster dad will be getting worried" I huged her and she walked away just as Ben and Tay came back "whats wrong Steph" I past them both the letter and Tay started to well up to "before we both start crying lets get some food" Tay said wiping the tears from her eyes. As we were walking Ben ran and picked Tay up bridal style causing her to scream "Steph save me its a monster" they both like each other loads. I ran up to Ben and jumped on his back which didn't fase him one bit "Steph how are you so light" Ben asked "dunno". When we got back to the bus and went straight to my camera and went back outside and set up. I started to film when all of a sudden everyone came out side and sat behind me "my lil wolves meet sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, all time low, asking alexandria, we are the in crowd and black veil brides" I said to the camera whilst everyone said "hi camera" then Ben asked "why do you call them your lil wolves" I giggled "because my favourite animal is a wolve and gou know the saying the wolves are at the door well that as well. Anyway are you going to be quiet or are you going to leave" they all stayed silent "good. Any way today I'm going to read you a pome a girl called Luna gave me causing me and Tay to well up and Ben to be sweet which was strange" I heard laughing then a "hey" from Ben. I read the story and several people welled up which was kinda funny as most of them were men not including Jack, Alex and Jordan as according to Tay their girls. After we all said bye and I turned off the camera and a random girl came up to me and dragged me away just as everyone left "you stay away from Andy he's mine and if you tell anyone about this I'll make you suffer" she said and then ran off.


STEPH º•○●□■◇◆♧♣▲▼▶◀↑↓←→☆★▪:-);-):-D

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