Reliving my dream

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I rushed over to my seat and made lou nearly fall out of her seat "hey" I said with a small smile on my face "you made me jump and hey sir's not in yet so your not late" I sighed with relief and got all my stuff out "I have something to tell you" Lou span around to look at me "whats the goss" I giggled "I found out this morning who Ash has a crush on" (I JUST REALISED HAS IS AN ANERGRAM OF ASH) Lou looked at me to carry on "She has brown hair that comes to her shoulders, brown eyes and in year 8 she cut her hair and was scared to tell her hairdresser as she thought she would get told off" after I said that she looked gobsmacked "Ash Likes Me" I nodded and smiled "and don't you like him" she nodded " great just wondering if he asked you out what would you say" As I ended my sentence Sir called out Lou's name " your question and sir's" she whispered  causing me to smile. After that we talked about Ash all through the lesson, then the bell went and we rushed home, we being me, Ash, Jodie, Tyler, Louis and Niall. We all lived near so we always walk home together. I grabbed my suit case which my mum pack when I was at school cause I'm terrible with packing as I just throw everything in, I pulled the case downstairs and got buster and his lead, as I actually got him for my 14th so I was taking him with me but he had to go in a cage which I didn't like. After I said all my goodbyes I started walking to Ash's house but stopped out side the house next door, Andy's house in my dream, it was up for sale so he could move in but as he lives in Newark (England) I doubt he would move. I was stood in a trance looking at the house when all of a sudden "MY BUTTERCUP" Ash screamed running into me and making me fall over and scrape my hands and knee "ow" I breathed in sharply "buttercup you all right" Ash said looking worried "Yeah lets find the rest if the guys and gurls" I said brushing myself off. About an hour had past and we just arrived at the airport "I'll text the guys to see where they are" Ash said walking of looking at his phone "so what do you wanna do" I said looking at the two sets of lovebirds "ugh" I said whilst plonking on the chair, I bet I look soo attractive. Why am I the only single one, Tyler has Niall, Jodie has Louis and now Ash has Lou as he asked her out a few minutes ago. Suddenly I was picked up bridell style out of my seat and sat on someone's lap, I looked up to see, Andy.

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