Romeo pt 1

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I was laying in my bunk this morning and I heard Andy walk up to the curtain and open it a bit I looked straight at him and smiled "ahh your up, now get ready and meet me in the living room in 10 minutes. GO" he said and then ran off. What is he up to now. I got out and walked into the shower after locking the bathroom door, after I was done I got dressed and looked in the mirror 'do you think Andys taking me somewhere cause if he is I need to do my hair' I asked myself "he's taking you out somewhere but we can't tell you but where normal clothes and do your hair normal" Jake said from outside the door "umm ok Thanks" I said and quickly food my hair.  I walked out to see Andy on the sofa "about time I said 10 minutes not 20" he said standing up and walking up to me. After me and Kellin running of from Jessie the other day it made me think of when me and Andy ran around the airport waiting for the plane a couple of weeks ago now we only had a week left, Jodie, Tyler, Louis and Niall went home yesterday to start studying for our A levels when we get back but me being me decided I needed to have fun so my mum let me stay longer when we first booked it. As I was saying Andy was walking up to me and shokk his head "whatever I needed to do my hair as it was greasy" I wined causing all the guys to laugh, as they were all up now. We walked to the hire car Andy got and climbed in "so where we going" I asked and he tapped his nose "wait and see, young one" he said in an old mans voice "young one I'm only a month younger than you" I said crossing my arms across my chest "sure just a month" Andy chuckled. Its been 20 minutes since we left and I'm bored already "how long now" I said looking over at Andy "a couple of minutes" I sighed "thats what you said 15 minutes ago and we're still in the car" he laughed "close your eyes" I did what he said and just sat there suddenly he got out and closed his door then came and opened mine and helped me out "3.2.1 open" I opened my eyes to see.....


we were on a mountain looking towards the sunset, Andy ran to the boot of the car and pulled out a basket (I KNOW I SAID THAT SHE JUST WOKE UP BUT I WANTED IT TO BE SUNSET AS ITS BETTER AND FITS WITH THE TITLE) and laid it on the floor, he got out a blanket and rolled it out then placed the basket in the middle "wanna sit down or just stand there looking like you've seen a ghost" he laughed I sat down and looked at him "wa... what the heck" I managed to say as I was massively gobsmacked "you said wheb you were younger that if you ever went to LA then you wanted to have a picnic in front of the sunset" He said shakerly "but if you don't like it we can just go back" I shook my head and smiled "I was just shocked no one has ever done ANYTHING like this for me before" he smiled then to ruin the moment my stomach started to rumble "there's food in the basket" he smiled opening the basket and getting out to sandwiches "chicken" he said simply then taking a bite out of his. I have to admit I hate eating in front of people as I think they'll make fun of me but I was starving and needed food so I dug in. After about half an hour we had finished the food and just started talking and it was all fine when "Steph I still like you.  a lot" great express my feelings or hide like I always do "don't say anything just let me talk, over the past few weeks when we weren't together I've been dieing inside don't imagine that" to late "and I hope you feel the same but if you don't I don't care its your decision so I don't care when you answer even if you never do I'll be fine with that just as long as I got how I feel across" I was stuck, what do I say I mean I still like him but after what happened I don't know if I can trust him again "Andy I...."

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