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December 17,2016
Amber's Birthday
"OLD FART!" Adam opens my bedroom door and shouts. Lord, why did I give him a key? Oh that's right, I love him to death like he's my brother and he was going to beg me.

I groan into my pillow as he jumps into bed in front of me. Yup, he's acting really crazy today since today is my 29th birthday. "Adam..."

He laughs and wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. He kisses my forehead. "Happy birthday, sis."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

"I could fall asleep here."

I chuckle. "You can so I can go change."

He wraps his arms tighter around me. "No."

I roll my eyes. "Adam..."

He laughs. "I've got plans for today."

"Like what?"

"They're surprises. Now, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

I scoff. "Fine."

He kisses my forehead again. "But I'm serious, I'm comfortable right now."

I chuckle. "We can stay like this for another ten minutes."

He pulls me closer to him. Yup, he's in his comfort zone. And so am I. Because I'm really comfortable right now. Well, oops.
"I smell croissants!" I run downstairs and almost miss a step, but catch myself quickly.

He laughs from my kitchen. I walk in to find him cooking. I wrap my arms around him. "Is this suppose to be a hug?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, Sherlock."

He turns around and laughs. "I'm Sherlock Holmes now?"

"You'd make a great one."

"A detective with crazy tattoos? You crazy?"

"Hey, even Sauli said he could see you as Sherlock."

He chuckles and turns back around. "You guys are nuts."

I mess his pompadour up and laugh. "You taught us how to be crazy, SherAdam."

He laughs. "SherAdam? Where the heck did you hear that?"

I smile although he can't see it and then laugh. "I literally just made it up."
"Hyvää syntymäpäivää!" I wrap my arms around Sauli as he shouts 'happy birthday' in Finnish.

"Kiitos, Sauli."

"What did you guys just say? It sounded like a threat." Tommy lifts an eyebrow at us.

We laugh. "It's Finnish, Tommy."

Adam left me alone with Sauli and Tommy, with Vanessa coming later. For right now, we're the 5'8 group, since all of us are literally the same height. Actually not really, we have shoes on that makes us taller. Somehow, Tommy is 6'0 in the shoes he's wearing, same goes for Sauli, and I was 5'11 in the boots I was wearing. Did that make any since? Curse my British mind.

"By the way, where's my happy birthday, Ratliff?"

He rolls his eyes and laughs. "Jerk. Happy birthday." I hug him and he smacks my butt. "Tommy!"

Sauli laughs and Tommy chuckles. "What?"

"OK, don't tell me it's my fault that I have a big butt, because it's not." And I do have a big butt. It's natural! I don't want a plastic butt! Thank you squats!

"You exercise, it is your fault."

I smack Tommy's shoulder. "Jerk."

"You love him, Amber."

"I do. But he's definitely not a Sherlock."

Tommy scoffs while Sauli and I laugh. We kept walking through the mall, doing nothing but talking, of course with them making fun of me because next year today, I'm thirty years old. Ugh, why do I know old farts? Oh yeah. That's right. Adam.
"Why are your hands on my face, you git, tosser, and plonker!" I groan. Vanessa, Tommy, and Sauli had their hands on my face. Vanessa is the git, Tommy is the tosser, and Sauli is obviously the plonker. Tosser is jerk in British slang. Plonker and git is idiot in British slang.

"Shut up!" Sauli and Vanessa sigh.

"Stop using British slang..." Tommy complains.

I chuckle. "Not my fault."

I hear a door open. "You know, all of you guys didn't have to cover her face. Just one person."

"Adam! These plonkers are killing me!"

He laughs. "I know. Tommy, Vanessa, hands off her face. Sauli keep your hands there."

"I feel like I'm going to prison." I sigh.

"Never mind. Sauli, I'll do it. Keep your eyes closed, missy."

I scoff. "Yes, Mommy Adam."

He picks me up, hand still covering my eyes. I honestly don't know where I am, but it smells like Adam's house.  Ah well, maybe because I'm in his house.

He puts me down. "Your eyes closed still?"

"Oh my god. Yes, you plonker!"

He chuckles. "Keep calling me an idiot! You know I love it."

I scoff. "Amb, open your eyes when I uncover them."

And I did what I was told. "Holy horse!" I jump as everybody literally shouts 'surprise' except my niece, who is Tommy's dog, Etta, who was barking.

"Holy horse, huh?" Tommy hands me a beer.

I chuckle. "Thank you, everybody!"

Everybody raises their beer glass, Vanessa breaking hers. Adam scoffs. "Vanessa, you're cleaning that up. And don't break my house!"

"I try not to, Lambert!" She chuckles and heads to his kitchen.

"Why is she crazy? Somebody tell me that?"

"Adam, she has a crazy family."

"And she admits that." Tommy sips on his beer.

Adam laughs as something breaks in the kitchen. He scoffs and whines. "Vanessa!" And then goes to his kitchen.

Tommy turns red. "Blushing, Ratliff?"

He shakes his head. "Wh-wha-no!"

I chuckle and pat his shoulder. "Good luck, brown eyes." And I turn on my heel to talk to the other people here.

"Amb, don't leave me!"

I chuckle as I find Sauli. I turn around and shout at him as Sauli wraps an arm around my shoulder. "You got this, Tommy!" And we turn on our heels and make our way through the party.

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