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Again, I will repeat what I have put in the description.

This is a story written out of my love and growing up with Harry Potter before the outing of Rowling's beliefs on my community. I still find this series a major outlet for me as a child and tween and still love the stories I'd make in my head, which will now finally be written into a proper fanfiction series.

I do not associate with J.K. Rowling due to her views on the transgender community. 

This work is one wholly created from my daydreams and imaginations of being at Hogwarts and becoming a witch myself, from childhood to adulthood.

If I see any hate towards me or any of my fellow siblings in the trans community in the comments on this book or on my wall, those commenters will be blocked and their comments deleted.


I also will be trying to use the systems made. So this book will not be going by the actual 1994-1995 calendar, but the inconsistent and wonky calendar made for the Goblet of Fire book.

Creative liberties are also taken to intermingle both book and movie depictions of who shared what classes, the visiting students, and so on in this fan fiction.

Errors will be made as this is a nostalgia/childhood comfort to try and get me into a consistent writing habit after being out of one for so long.

I'm a Good Snake (Harry Potter Fan Fiction) | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now