chapter one

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Lena Luthor quickly peered through the window of the SuperCafe, squinting past her long, false eyelashes to see inside. Come on, come on, come on, she thought to herself, please say she's in there. 

And sure enough, she was. Flashing a dazzling smile, Lena's favorite barista, who she had yet to get the name of, was standing behind the counter. The barista tucked a golden lock of hair behind her ear, as she penned a name onto a chilled latte. Even in a striped red and blue apron, she still looked stunning.

Lena struggled to catch her breath, watching the beautiful blonde bite her lip in an adorable grin. Yet, regaining herself, Lena quickly checked her eyeliner in the window, and strolled in. 

Sauntering up to the counter, Lena barely glanced at the menu before setting her eyes on what she really wanted. 

"Hi, welcome to SuperCafe!" the blonde began, before quickly faltering. She bit her lip again, and muttered quiet as possible, "woah."

She tried her best not to stare, but she couldn't stop looking at the vision in front of her. A dark red was splashed onto the Luthor's lips, and the dark arch of her eyebrows were raised in question. A teasing laugh was on the tip of her tongue.

"I mean, uh, how, uh what can I get you?"

"Well," Lena answered, smooth as ice, "are you on the menu?" Her eyes drifted to the name tag, "Kara Danvers?"

Blushing furiously, and bursting out laughing, Kara replied, "well, I'm afraid I'm not as cheap as some of our new summer options, but I'm just as, uh, cool and refreshing!"

Did that make sense? Was it clear that I was flirting? Oh, she's going to think I'm such a weirdo. Kara mentally slapped herself.

But Lena's face lit up with her response. She cooly offered her hand to the girl she was so enamored with. "I'm Lena," she divulged. "Lena Luthor."

Kara eagerly took her hand, admiring the navy blue acrylics that adorned her customer's fingernails.

"Strong grip," Lena commented, with a gentle smirk. 

Blushing even more, Kara snorted. "Yeah, that's what all my friends tell me. Uh, my three friends. I mean, I have more, but..." she trailed off, realizing that she was babbling. But Lena still looked at her with full attention, completely invested in what the barista was saying. 

"Anyway!" Kara said cheerfully, desperate to change the subject. "Other than me, what would you like?"

"I'll take a black coffee, please." Lena refused to stop smiling, her teeth perfectly white. Kara was surprised, to say the least, as there was no lipstick at all on her teeth. She kept glancing up to check as she scribbled the order on a small notepad.

Bold, just like you, she fought the urge to say. Instead, she replied, "one black coffee, coming right up!"


Kara handed her newfound friend (or more, she didn't know) the coffee personally. Their fingers grazed as the coffee switched palms.

"Thank y-" Lena started, but was interrupted by Kara quickly running off. Nearly tripping over her own black Converse. Nervously smoothing out knots from her long, blonde hair. Immediately getting to the next customer.

Lena began to wonder, was she not into me? Was she just being nice? Did I make it uncomfortable?

But sitting down at the window seat, reflecting, she noticed what was written on her cup. It was her own name, Lena, with a small heart next to it. And below, written in neat, curved letters, was a phone number.

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