chapter six

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Ding! Ding! Ding!
"Five more minutes," Kara groaned, grabbing her pillow and holding it over her head.
"What time is it?" Lena's disembodied voice broke through the pillow barrier.
"Too early to look at a clock," Kara mumbled, holding the pillow even tighter.
She heard a phone slip gently off of the bedside table, and a home click button. "It's two in the morning," Lena whispered. "Why do you have a phone alarm set for 2 am?"
Kara retreated from her hiding spot, and picked up her phone. "Lena. Oh no."
"What is it?"
Kara sat up in bed, and quickly glanced at her girlfriend lying next to her. Lena's hair was splayed all over the pillow, and she was looking at Kara with concern. Her phone was resting on her chest.
"W-why do I have 50,000 new followers on Instagram?"
Lena shot up, her hair falling straight down her back, and she was revealed to be wearing only a tank top and Nike shorts. "My fans found you," she murmured, covering her mouth with her hands. A peek of a smile was visible through the cracks of her fingers.
"What do I do?" Kara asked, panicked. Her phone continued to ding.
Lena broke into laughter. "Well, first, turn off notifications!"
"This isn't funny, Lee!" Kara scolded, but couldn't help but giggle a bit herself. "How do you deal with this?"
Lena gave her a kind smile, and replied, "I'm still learning."
Kara plopped herself into Lena's lap, looking up like a lost puppy. She was dressed similarly to Lena, with a sports bra and flowy shorts. Her hair was in a loose braid, strands flying in front of her face. "I'm dating Kim Kardashian," she murmured.
Lena smiled faintly. "Are you ready to be a public icon, Kar?"
Kara closed her eyes, grasping Lena's hand as she slowly drifted off into sleep. "I'm ready for anything when I'm with you."
11:19 am
w: kara!! why didn't you tell me you were famous
k: winn what are you talking about
w: sudden boost in followers??! kar explain right now
k: well... remember game night?
k: winn. i don't have a famous boyfriend shush
w: so what does this... larry lennox do for a living?
k: winn
w: leonard leprechaun?
k: i'm leaving
w: you can run but you can't hide!!

1:53 pm
j: winn told me you have a famous boyfriend.
k: winn needs to learn how to play the quiet game
j: so it's true, then?
k: it isn't true!! >:(
j: you can tell me and winn anything.
k: james, i don't have a famous boyfriend.
j: you can run, but you can't hide!!
k: *read at 1:55 pm*

5:12 pm
a: so how long have you been screwing lena luthor?
a: yes, sweet baby sister?
a: drop the act, kara. lena luthor is a common patron at the location where you work, near overnight increase in happiness and followers, your eyeliner game has been on point recently. lena luthor and you are so a thing.
k: ...
a: well?
k: i hate you and your investigative brains.
a: can't wait to meet her! xoxo

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