chapter five

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l: hey kara!

k: lena!! what's up?!

l: i see you finally made me a contact in your phone :p

k: hahaha, yep sure did :D

l: i was wondering if you wanted to be in one of my videos?

l: you can say no, completely.

k: i would love that, lee!! thank you for asking :3

l: anytime, beautiful

Kara stared at the silver key, her soft fingers running over the ridges. It's just a key, she reminded herself. It doesn't mean anything.

Except it did, didn't it? It meant Lena trust her enough that she could enter the apartment by herself. It meant that they were serious.

But that didn't bother Kara. She had never liked anyone as much as she liked Lena, and as scary as this was, she wasn't going to ruin it. She could barely string together two coherent thoughts when she was around her, and that felt good.

So she stuck the key in the lock, and the door strung open.

"Lena?" She called, worrying that maybe she wasn't home. Would that be intruding? The bed was fully made, the kitchen clean (that wasn't abnormal, however). She bolted. She left town. She's gone.

But the Luthor called back, "Hey Kara! Just a second, I'll be right there."

Kara let out a sigh of relief, and uncomfortably walked towards the mess-desks, as she had fondly started calling them. A note pad was lying on the keyboard of the laptop, with different titles crossed out and scribbled. MAKEUP WITH GF? GAL PAL MAKES ME UP? MAKEUP WITH BARISTA? GIRLFRIEND DOES MY MAKEUP?

"I'm doing her makeup?" Kara whispered, covering her mouth with a hand. "Oh no..."

Lena strolled in, and inquired, "What's wrong?"

Kara turned to her, hands still covering her face, eyes wide. For a second (maybe more, she would admit) she looked her up and down. Lena was wearing a tight grey dress, curving around her body in all the right places, with dark black earrings dangling from her ears. The shocker of the outfit, however, was her lack of makeup. This was in preparation for the video, but Kara was simply star struck by how stunning she was with a clean face. Small sun-freckles kissed her nose, just barely visible, often hidden with a layer of concealer. Small dents and crevices appeared every now and then; Kara was desperate to count each one. Lena was beautiful, every freckle and mark a piece to a mosaic.
Kara took a deep breath, thought to herself, you're getting distracted, Danvers, and stuttered, "I, I can't do your makeup, Lee! I'm no good! I can't even put on blush correctly, I'll probably poke your eye out!"

Lena laughed, taking Kara's hands and slowly redirecting them into her own. "You will be fine, I promise. You'll do great, and if you don't, well, I'll still like you."

"Probably not," Kara muttered, sighing. "You look nice today," she mumbled, "but you always look nice. You'll still look nice even after I butcher your face with makeup."


"Hi everyone, it's Lena," she said, waving to the camera with a sly smile, "and I'm here with my lovely girlfriend Kara!" Lena turned to her lovely girlfriend and flashed a dazzling smile. Kara blushed, flattening out her hair and polka dot blouse.
"Happy to be here!" she said cheerfully, the fear clearly heard through her teeth.
"So today," Lena began, readjusting the makeup laid out on the table, "Kara will be using all of my products- cruelty free, of course- to give me a full face of makeup. Are you ready, Kar?"
The barista gulped, but nodded bravely. "I guess..." she mumbled. "Uh..."
She nervously grabbed the closest thing on the table. "Here we have, erm, Baby Kiss Lipstick: Ravenous Red, and um, I'll just..."
Kara uncapped it carefully, and took Lena's face in her left hand. In small strokes, she carefully pressed the lipstick onto the lips she loved to kiss, and fought the temptation to do just that. Lena smiled ever so slightly, and raised her eyebrow, as if to say, you having fun?
Kara was fairly sure this was some ancient form of seductive torture. As much as she wanted to stay professional on camera, she couldn't help but whisper sultrily, "I would kiss you if it wouldn't undo all the hard work I've done."
Lena laughed, and whispered back, "you can kiss me all you want. There's no lipstick in the world I would choose over you."
Kara was, unsurprisingly, done with makeup once Lena said this. She immediately dropped the tube, and took Lena's whole face in her hands. She kissed her, knowing that Ravenous Red would soon be all over the both of them, and not caring at all. They laughed, and Lena took a single hand (considering the other hand was tangled in Kara's hair) and covered the camera.

 They laughed, and Lena took a single hand (considering the other hand was tangled in Kara's hair) and covered the camera

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